> Do you agree with the governor of Maine that we should stop being so negative about global warming?

Do you agree with the governor of Maine that we should stop being so negative about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

You would think the greenies would be happy. Al Gore was right and a more productive Earth to boot.

None of those shipping jobs will be American jobs so it doesn't help me.

Here in Maine, we have the third worse case of lyme disease per capita in the country. I don't really think getting a few dock jobs makes up for the thousands of lives ruined by having warm winters that don't kill off many blood sucking ticks.

Depends on how bad global warming will be.

Given opinion polls, people are not that negative about global warming, so perhaps the governor is wrong.

It doesn't matter anyway. Americans never head off problems. When the coastal cities flood, they'll hire a study and pay millions for a solution that should have been done a decade earlier.

As with nearly every politician, he lacks enough foresight to see past the next election cycle. Quit voting for 21st century representatives that only have an 18th century understanding of science!

And the fact that some of Maine would be flooded doesn't concern him. Too bad we have to wait decades before people will actually be ready with the tar and feathers.
