> Did you notice how the deniers rallied around excessive cold and snow in the US?

Did you notice how the deniers rallied around excessive cold and snow in the US?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's not really that hard to see why they would want to concentrate on just one small part of the year on just one small part of the Earth. Their own stories of 15, 16, 17 or whatever years of cooling are falling apart. they had a short run on a couple of stronger La Nina years (08 & 11) but even the coldest of these 2008 was in fact warmer than 1995 warmest year in the record back in the day.

2013 saw us get another very warm year,


And for all deniers talk of even the U.S. in January 2014 it seems the reality that it is was colder only in the East of the U.S., the West along with a larger portion of the rest of the world was warmer.


Not really playing to the denier myth of cooling, is it.

Note the warmer extremes in Alaska and Southern Greenland, to which denier usually post some nonsense about snow in their driveway, which seems to be a denier global measure of temperature.

What any individual year will due (with the effects of short term systems like ENSO) is never certain but evidence so far points to 2014 being warmer than 2013. If ENSO shifts to a positive phase (El Nino), then Australia and the Western U.S. will see a deepening and an extending of what has already been a serious drought for both regions. Denier claims that cold and snow in just a part of the U.S. shows no sign of warming may want to take a closer look at their own pet year, 1998, was the warmest year in the modern record, yet it is also linked to one of the strongest and most damaging ice storms Canada has ever seen. Affecting both Canada and down into similar regions being affected by the current Winter.


Due to the changes the warmer weather had on the usual Winter weather of the Eastern U.S. a cycle we have actually seen through quite a few U.S. Winters in the last few years.

Deniers seem unable (or unwilling) to explain why they want to concentrate on just a few percent of the Earths surface over just a few months of the year, while simultaneously trying to ignore the whole planet and the whole year.

Edit to kano

Elsewhere here you posted, asking why people call you a denier yet once again make a patently false claim

What escalation was projected, the IPCC put current per decade rise due to global warming at ~0.1c the actually rise observed when the entire decade of the 2000's passed the decade of the 90's as the warmest decade was in fact 0.2c

Here is the IPCC model estimates


and the NOAA actual observations


While you claim you are not a denier, it hard not to note you keep failing to be able to address points like these.

Actually more snow means warmer temperatures. This was pointed out by noted skeptic Lubos Motl some years ago. Basically snow has less energy than water vapor, so there is more heat in the atmosphere.


It's called clutching at straws

A couple of years ago, they were talking about weather in the UK.

so three other januarys have been warmer , doesn't look like a trend and as records only go back to 1916 the roman warming period in europe and the similar warming trend in the 1300s are not included , the sun is a million times the size of the earth, every person on earth could fit in florida which is the more likely cause of the earth's weather

Ha! Ha! C. Tell everyone the span of that 'recorded history' and how was it computed. Come clean now. Once you do you will see your claim is meaningless.

Tell that to the suckers . . er . .Climate Scientists who got stranded down in Antarctica a couple months back.

Tell that to the residents of McMurdo who had to be rescued by a Russian ice breaker a year before.

Tell that to the relatives of the people who froze to death in Japan.

So what, the global temperature is not escalating the way CO2 is, and the way AGW alarmists promised.

I can see nothing catastrophic about global temperatures, certainly not enough to warrant spending trillions of dollars in a futile attempt to stop the rise of CO2

Edit to Antarctic what they said

Surface air warming in the 21st century:

Best estimate for a "low scenario"[12] is 1.8 °C with a likely range of 1.1 to 2.9 °C (3.2 °F with a likely range of 2.0 to 5.2 °F)

Best estimate for a "high scenario"[13] is 4.0 °C with a likely range of 2.4 to 6.4 °C (7.2 °F with a likely range of 4.3 to 11.5 °F)

A temperature rise of about 0.1 °C per decade would be expected for the next two decades, even if greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations were kept at year 2000 levels.

A temperature rise of about 0.2 °C per decade is projected for the next two decades for all SRES scenarios.

Confidence in these near-term projections is strengthened because of the agreement between past model projections and actual observed temperature increases.

Shhhh .... they don't like it when you point out their 'science' and 'conclusions' are reactionary. I mean, we're still waiting for their alternative theory to AGW. What's it been ... 20, no wait, 30 years now?

The NOAA is lying again .

I think they will be disappointed now that January 2014 is the fourth warmest January in recorded weather history. We kept telling them that the US is only one small part of the world but they insisted it was global cooling NOT