> Is this IPCC 'leak' even reasonable?

Is this IPCC 'leak' even reasonable?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global Warming and the CO2 enriched atmosphere have been a GREAT BLESSING for this hungry world. Food production is through the roof WORLDWIDE. http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...

The only way the IPCC is going to be right about less crop production is if it starts cooling. But of course if it starts cooling, then that means they have been wrong for the last thirty years by telling us it's going to continue to warm.

The IPCC is a propaganda agency, and they are not very good at it.


2% per decade are you kidding? The insects and seasons are already on the move North and crops can not adapt nearly that fast. Look at the Maruder(sp?) minimum called the year with no summer. Yes, many starved. Our sun is not right as any honest observer could tell you (See Suspicious Observers on Youtube explaining the processes the Govt is not telling us about). The government is slow playing the whole solar minimum thing during what is supposed to be a max and not even mentioning the magnetic pole reversal in progress that protecrts everybody from solar radiation (then there is the Fukashima news blackout). It's gonna be bad and they are not talking as there is no way to get ready for everybody when there is not gonna be a decent crop for many. So who can make the most money on the last days? Gore & the rest of them are trying to tax carbon use with Cap and Trade. Scheme for protection money you mean. Biggest problem is the rulers, no the masses.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:

"Global crop production has expanded threefold over the past 50 years, largely through higher yields per unit of land and crop intensification."

IPCC has been in existence for 25 years. You just started copy pasting about it only recently, because it is flavor of the month on anti-science blogs now, so that of course makes you a world expert on the matter.

Crop levels are determined by the economy. There is a tremendous amount of idle farmland where I live. If the world was short of food (it isn't) that farmland would be brought into production like it was after WWII.

So in 50 decades there will be no more crops? Or is it compounded?

I can't follow the link, but I can tell that Kano is no farmer. Kano, say I start a farm and I have warm days with lots of sunshine, good soil, and plenty of that CO2 plant food in the air, how will my farm do?

Oh, I forgot to add that the farm is located in an area with very little rain, and there's not enough water for irrigation.

That is a bit weird since worldwide crop production has gone UP during the time of any supposed Global Warming.


Everyone knows that warmth, longer growing days, and more CO2 increases crop production, the only way climate change can reduce crop production is if it gets colder, with shorter growing days, which is quite possible, but not what they mean.


The 'leak' or the 2% drop?


This 'leaked' report warns of 2% drop in crop production per decade due to Climate Change.

Is this reasonable?

The desperation of the eco fascists is really starting to show recently.

Is it even true.? You lie so much