> NOAA failed miserably at predicting THIS year's hurricane season, with 0 hurricane in the Atlantic out of?

NOAA failed miserably at predicting THIS year's hurricane season, with 0 hurricane in the Atlantic out of?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They can predict pretty easily. Predicting accurately is the problem. No one will notice the predictions they got wrong, especially when they can claim they were still correct and have defenders echoing their embarrassing talking points(but don't call them deniers).

I have figured out Disaster solutions for each of Nature's Disaster's and they were suppose to come out in the Covington who's who magazine and the magazines were suppose to be coming out free to most everyone May 31/ 2013, at least thats what I and many others paid for so that when Hurricanes and Tornado's come's in, one person can destroy each from land before they touch land. Covington Who's who is located in Hollywood, Florida and New York. Mike

If you roll a dice, I can't predict what number you'll roll. I'll only have a 1 in 6 chance.

Roll it 6000 times, and I reckon you'll roll a six about 1000 times.

That's the difference between predicting short term and long term trends. The fact that predicting which number you'll roll is difficult and I'll often get it wrong doesn't change the long term outcome.

Unless, of course, you're trying to load the dice ...

You are beginning to spam this blog by repeatedly asking the same questions over and over. Is there not a policy against spamming here?


Both Humberto and Ingrid reached a category 1 hurricane status in the Atlantic basin during the 2013 hurricane season. Check it out. Your claim of ")" is very much incorrect. Also check out the tropical cyclogenesis across the all of the basins for the 2013 seasons. What does it show?

It's funny how deniers constantly bring this up, not realizing it's one of most vocal (and self-proclaimed) deniers, William Gray, that is responsible for the bad forecasts.

By the way, there were a couple of hurricanes in the Atlantic this year, but it doesn't surprise me that you didn't know that. I bet you didn't even check on that before asking this question.

EDIT: As usual Zippi62's answer makes no sense at all.

>>I've lost all respect for these climate scientists<<

Well, good for you. It's about damn time you gave up on people like William M. Gray - the AGW Denier who developed the hurricane prediction models.



James --

>>Yes the planet warms up and yes it cools down. The point is that humanity has never had anything to do with it nor does it have anything to do with it now. <<

So, you are citing your own ignorance as a "source."

You nitwits really have no shame, huh?

The funniest part is that William Gray is a true denier, yet the peer reviewing climate scientists believed him too and used it for evidence. Pffffft!

NOAA is agenda driven as the rest of the AGW cultists are. Their agenda is receiving funding from the government. If NOAA was a for profit business it would have been bankrupt by now. But instead it is a beast that survives by being fed with wealth confiscated by an unwilling public just as so many of those other institutions that are pushing an agenda driven by a completely failed theory of AGW..

Whine! Cry! Dat mean ole Mother Nature just won't cooperate with us greenies.

They do so mainly for entertainment purposes, and who's going to be around to remember who said what about the weather. It is enough to stay present with the conditions, because it is a big world, and ever changing weather. Stay with the currant weather advisories, prepare for worst case scenerio's from it, if needed, and this helps to have a better day.

several hurricanes predicted in the Atlantic. I've lost all respect for these climate scientists. They fail miserably at predicting one year and this year at that, how can they predict 50, 100 years from now?

They missed the seasons too. Wrong for the year.

Well they know the planet is warming so they are one big step ahead of you