> Do you think those Pilgrims down in Antarctica will ever use the term,?

Do you think those Pilgrims down in Antarctica will ever use the term,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"Next Summer on the Ice again."

Have you seen this article? I think it's a question that needs an official answer.

Did Organizers Recklessly, Negligently Put Lives And Property At Risk? (to create more man-made Global warming propaganda) http://www.thegwpf.org/expedition-cheap-...


The whole thing is a hoax and you know it! There is no ice anywhere, ask the "experts". Global warming has wiped it all out. The whole Antarctica thing was all CGI because there is no way it could have occurred like that denier simulation last year of another cruise being stuck in the Arctic. Purely fiction! Another fiction is that Hawaii still exists as many of cognizant know it sank below the Pacific years ago.

Winnipeg, Canada is currently colder than the surface of Mars (-53F). Brainless ideologues don't get it. When they beat their head on that concrete wall of "natural climate variability rules the Planet's climate" so many times, they eventually figure out that their head will hurt.

Maybe so. The whole "global warming" farce has been proven long ago to be a lie. I guess these "scientists" want more grant money, so they'll pretend to do more "research" on how the planet is warming due to humans and animals. It's laughable.

Has everything become a lie? It's all about pushing the left wing agenda. Truth is not important anymore.

Yes, Summer is defined by the Calendar, not temperatures


EDIT: ZIPPI.. No, it' actually -11F. Apparently you get your news in an alternate universe. BTW, a windchill is not the same as temperature.


Uh, they do that every summer. Antarctica is the coldest continent on our planet.

You're referencing "Next year in Jerusalem"?

I should have realized you are an anti-Semite as well

Why do you waste peoples time with this BS It has nothing to do with GW, only in your self serving interest of distraction

"Next Summer on the Ice again."