> Will recycling make the world a better place?

Will recycling make the world a better place?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just have a look at the plastic bottles in your bathroom, kitchen and home.

Where do you throw these away after its utilization?

Now imagine a 7 billion population using the same plastic bottles that you use and throwing it away after the same exact intervals. Have a picture in mind?

Now image a dump or an ocean with all these non-bio-degradable wastes.

That is what you get when you don't recycle.

Recycling will definitely conserve the environment and make the worlds a better place.

There are those that will blindly answer "yes" and be done with it, or spout some canned answers without putting true thought into it.

Re-using or finding a new use for something instead of discarding it is worthwhile. Composting is generally worthwhile. Recycling some things can be worthwhile, as it takes more raw materials and energy to re-create than starting with something already used.

However, there are landfills that are properly designed and have huge space available. North of Las Vegas is a landfill that is supposed to have capacity for another 200 years. I know for a fact that mixing plastic types together causes issues in their re-use to melt and create a new item. The labor involved in separation or re-separation, and fuel costs to reprocess may turn a positive to a negative. To wash a bottle for re-use commercially takes vast amounts of clean water and energy and a new bottle is cheaper to produce than re-using after sorting and inspecting for defects.

One thought in this, if recycling is worthwhile, why does it cost more for a community or city to recycle as part of their trash collection, than just to discard everything? If there is an efficiency, shouldn't it cost less instead of more?

Certainly there are issues with the plastic bags of groceries, and trash in the seas and on streets.

There are places of very limited land and recycling is very critical. In general the concept is good. When looking at specifics, unless doing it right with extra labor and separation and everyone is very careful about it, recycling can be just another issue.

If the bin says "clear glass" and someone tosses in a brown or green bottle, that contaminates the bin and now needs a different use for the batch of less value to society. Trees are grown and harvested for paper. I know as a fact that it is more expensive to use recycled content in laptop plastics, and it is done for marketing purposes when anyone wants it. It is not as easy as a yes/no to answer wisely.

How about, in general, yes. But it is not as worthwhile as some people think.

Yes, recycling will help in cleaning the environment

exactly what a idiotic problem, these recycling is often a malty billion dollars greenback sector a year... creates zero big difference throughout ingestion, nevertheless continues charge along.

Recycling wind turbines is now underway. "... 15,000 tons a year of old blades expected to be dumped by 2019 ..."

what a dumb question ,recycling is a malty billion dollar industry per year ...makes no difference in consumption ,but keeps cost down .

No, people will still be killing each other in useless wars and children will still be starving, but the physical environment might be a bit healthier.

yes. why waste waste?

it's much cheaper to recycle aluminum than to mine it


Look up pictures of plastic bottles in the ocean... it is ridiculous!