> Is there more to CO2 than what "ALARMISTS" aren't telling everyone besides "Global Warming/Climate Ch

Is there more to CO2 than what "ALARMISTS" aren't telling everyone besides "Global Warming/Climate Ch

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are a lot of aspects that they aren't telling us. One of them is the true temperature of the Earth. However, as to your exact point, it would assume that they understood science and I will not believe that for one minute. I don't think there is enough combined intelligence for any of them to comprehend the situation or science.

Yes the study you allude to is seemingly valid but the level of CO2 has never been proven to be a problem, scientifically. So it is a non-issue.

What's your point? It's well known that the Earth has had three atmosphere's, the first being of hydrogen and helium which was blown away by the solar wind, the second being CO2, steam and ammonia from volcanism as the world was literally over run by lava. Eventually, when the atmosphere cooled enough for the steam to condense and fall as rain, it captured much of the CO2 as carbonate rocks, the ammonia broke down under UV light to form nitrogen and hydrogen with the hydrogen escaping and blue green algae produced the oxygen from the CO2 and H2O. It's also well known that with enough energy even from intense UV light, CO2 would break down into CO and oxygen but we know from Mars and Venus that this isn't a significant process and CO once cooled would grab an oxygen molecule from something else unless hydrogen was also available under about 15 bars of pressure ( 210 psi ) and with an iron oxide or cobalt oxide catalyst in which case it would form linear hydrocarbons. As the Earth's atmosphere is at 1 bar at sealevel and unlike Mars, iron oxide isn't just lying around, the disassociation of oxygen from CO2 would just react back with the CO to form CO2 again.

There are abiotic ways to produce oxygen from CO2 and indeed we plan to use them on Mars but evidence from Venus and Mars plus consideration of the reactions involved shows that it would not build an accumulation of oxygen plus the abiotic means takes much more energy than the biotic. The article is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

CO2 as a gas, represents less than .05 percent (half of one percent) of the atmosphere, which is composed mainly of Nitrogen , Oxygen, and water vapor. The total production of CO2 by people is at best, one half of that total, or about .02 percent. There are more ants on the planet, by weight, than people. Termites create more CO2 than the entire human race. For all the BS so beloved by media talking heads, People are an insignificant, sad, small and feeble bunch of animals whos ability to affect anything large scale save their own egos is a vanishing pinprick in the life of this immense planet.

Well I do not call myself an alarmist, or even an "ALARMIST". But the fact is that we know were all the added CO2 comes from because the rise in CO2 in the air tracks very well with the amount of coal, oil, and natural gas sold (and burnt). And we can see that only about 1/3 of that extra CO2 is "disappearing" (meaning being naturally removed from the air. So we have clearly overwhelmed the Earth's natural carbon cycle and Earth's ability to clean our industrial exhaust out of the air. If you were doing that in a closed room, you would save yourself by opening a window to let the CO2 out and let in fresh air, but the space around Earth has no air; we are trapped in this giant sealed room. Doesn't that worry you just a little bit?

By referring to the 'Great Oxygenation Event' (which happened about 2.4 billion years ago) in another lame and mostly uninformed attempt to attack Climate Science, do you finally admit that the Earth is older than the 6,000 years which your Creationist non-science has taught you?

co2 is less than 0.04% of total atmospheric gasses. It's just a trace gas

What do you mean? Your "new" information about atmospheric CO2 comes from a mainstream climate scientists doing mainstream climate science.

I doubt this idea of Earth's atmosphere, but I don't know why.

what does this have to do with oour current climate?



" ... Earth's atmosphere wasn't always full of life-giving oxygen ― it was once a choking mixture of carbon dioxide and other gases, more like the atmosphere of Mars or Venus.

It's widely believed that the rise of plants turned that carbon dioxide into oxygen through the chemical reactions of photosynthesis, in a period called the Great Oxygenation Event. But a new study suggests there may be another way to make oxygen from carbon dioxide, using ultraviolet light. ... "