> CO2 up to about 400 ppm already. No temperature increase since 1997. Al Gore has been proven wrong. When will?

CO2 up to about 400 ppm already. No temperature increase since 1997. Al Gore has been proven wrong. When will?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Al Gore apologize?

Never, he has a good thing going and there are a lot of suckers out there who are easily bamboozled. As long as he has minions of puppets, like you see on this, site spewing his garbage he will keep laughing all the way to the bank.

AGW is a great example of how Goebbels' principle works.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Retained atmospheric heat doesn't stay in the atmosphere. heat energy moves from 'warm' to cold. Sea water and ice are colder than atmospheric heat retention and so the retained heat of the atmosphere goes to warm seawater and to melt ice.

All the navies of the world understand the fact that the world is 'warming'. So do insurance companies, ocean shipping companies, agribusiness, shoreline real estate interests, and anyone interest in the fate of future fisheries. Anyone with a computer can look up what each of these entities are doing to deal with the future of their respective business'. Start with the US Navy's policies on 'climate change'....no Al Gore required.

Increases in temperature take many decades to fully manifest

When you will apologize for all the stupid questions? When will Maxx and Jeff Engr apologize for lying? When will deniers actually try to learn some science and stop reading propagandist blogs?

Could you please supply us with a specific quote from Al Gore where you believe he has been proven wrong?

First of all, even if your claim were true, (it is not) Al Gore didn't promise warmer temperatures. He warned about them. If global warming actually did stop, it would be good news, not a broken promise. But global warming didn't stop.


He will apologize when people apologize for not making him president.

He won't because, now after 15 years of no temperature rise and slight cooling they are even MORE certain that man released co2 is causing the temperature to rise dangerously.

I know, I know, it sounds preposterous but remember that they are so very very much smarter than the rest of us and have no hidden personal or political motivations - honest

never. He will say he made it happen. There is a change, because it is the normal for the planet. We were in a mini ice age and we got warmer, then got cooler in the early 1800s and 1930 is the hottest on record, we got warm and now we start to cool off again. I have always loved that a bunch of his conventions got snowed out.


Global Warming Since 1997 Underestimated by Half

You are spamming the forum by posting all these BS links. To say no warning in since 97 is a flat out lie

Al Gore apologize?

Why should apologize? He has made his millions and collected his Nobel Peace Prize. He's a capitalist who suckered millions of dupes into his scheme. Good for him. Now he can retire to his mansion which has the carbon footprint of 20 of his neighbors. That's what I would do.

Considering that the UN IPCC finally admitted that there has been no global warming during every one of Bush's 8 years as US president I believe the he should be awarded a Nobel prize too. It only took 2 weeks of Obama as president to get a Nobel Prize. Racist.

Is this question meant seriously?

Politicians never apologize. he will blame the scientists.