> Need help with climate change concept make (Science)?

Need help with climate change concept make (Science)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do you own homework!

As I suggested on your other similar question, Wikipedia is your friend.

Look up each unfamiliar term on Wikipedia. Any terms that you know, but can't figure out how they tie in to global warming, you should also look up on Wikipedia. For starters, here is the page on the ozone layer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_layer . Sometimes, you'll need to look for a concept on the page for another concept. For example, you'll find the net radiation budget discussed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_e... .

If you're not finding the exact phrase, look up all the individual words in a dictionary (for example, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Net , http://www.thefreedictionary.com/radiati... , and http://www.thefreedictionary.com/budget ) and figure out what the combined phrase probably means. If there's one word or phrase that you're just not understanding, ask about *just* that.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept_map describes what a concept map is.

For example, your bubble for "angle of incidence" should have an arrow pointing to "albedo", with the word "affects".

Basically, for each item, see how many relevant sentences you can make with other items. A few more examples:

The atmosphere contains greenhouse gasses

Fossil fuels generate greenhouse gasses

The enhanced greenhouse effect causes climate change

Climate change alters weather

Then, take each of those sentences, and (ignoring words like "the) draw them out as bubbles and arrows, with the listed concepts in bubbles, the arrows pointed from the first concept to the second, and the other words along the lines of the arrows.

The Wikipedia page has a sample concept map. You can see how all of the sets of bubble-arrow-bubble could be turned into sentences, right? Well, to make a concept map, make a set of sentences, then draw them out as a map.

(Climate Change) => Caused by => (an imbalance in the Net Radiation budget) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Breakd...

= (Solar Energy in) - (Radiant Energy out) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greenh...


I have taken this course. I think reading them as you are reading any novel would help you to grab the ideas fast. You'll be able to grasp the ideas quickly.

Using these terms with "climate change" at the centre:

Albedo. Angle of incidence. Angle of inclination. Atmosphere. Biome. Climate. Climate zone. Convection. Energy. Enhanced greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels. Global warming. Greenhouse gases. Hydrologic cycle. Hydrosphere. Lithosphere. Natural Greenhouse effect. Net radiation budget. Ozone layer. Solar energy. Specific heat capacity. Sustainable development. Thermal energy. Thermal energy transfer. Weather.

I have no idea what a concept map Is or how to make one!! And there are tons of terms that I have no idea what to do with!!

Please help...