> Does wasting plastic bags harm the environment at all?

Does wasting plastic bags harm the environment at all?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's not biodegradable, so I'd imagine it'd have some negative impact on theenviroment. Thing is that you're just one person, so I doubt what you're doing is actually having any impact at all.

It takes 70% of 1 tree to make a paper bag. Trees take anywhere from 12-18 years to reach full height, and another 5-7 years to reach cutting down ability to be able to used for bag usage.

Put in that way, you're doing less harm by using plastic than you are paper.

In the UK we can recycle plastic bags at supermarkets, in fact any kind of "stretchy" plastic.

Might appear odd, but producing plastic bags is actually better for the environment as making bags from paper is energy consuming and uses trees.

I was in Mauritius and the local store was touting "green" shopping bags, made from hessian, a natural material.

Sounds like a good idea? I thought so until I found out the bags were made in China then transported halfway round the world by ship, hardly very green.

You are being used. Plastic bags back in the sixties were touted as the greatest earth saving thing since sliced bread. This was because they were not made from trees, as paper was. Now, many of the same people who advocated plastic bags are not advocating against plastic bags.

Same way with McDonalds. At first your Big Mac was served in a paper box. They were pressed into going plastic or Styrofoam. And this was touted as a great ecological benefit. Now you see, after much pressure, that they have gone back to the paper.

One thing you have to know about the greenies, is that they are never happy. No matter what you do these manipulative people will always find something wrong with what you do. Apparently, you are fearful of doing something bad. These manipulators prey on people like you.

"Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family's or his country's security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not...."

"It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good - to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty - voluntarily."

―Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

Don't be used by these people. Just use common sense. Just remember, Buffalo Bill's horse left tracks across the plains. This upset the natural course of life. But today, can you find any evidence of where exactly Buffalo Bill rode? No. That was covered up by nature a long time ago.

Just be a good steward and don't let these nit wits get to you.

Plastic bags are bad for the environment because with all the growing plastic bags (which are not biodegradable) blowing around, anything can ingest it.

Animals and everything. also the materials to make plastic bags contribute to the global emissions.

Plastic degradation at sea takes between 45-1000 years.

Usually though, plastic bags don't biodegrade. They photo-degrade. Which means they break up into smaller pieces of plastic until eventually becoming plastics dusts.

Plastic which ends up in the sea (through garbage dumps at seaside, river flow etc) winds up becoming food for marine life that mistake it for food especially of the jellyfish variety.

Plastics bags have been found in the stomachs of endangered animals including the leatherback turtles, harbour porpoises and black footed albatross. Ingestion (swallowing) of plastic bags can result in blockages, internal infections, starvation and death.

These occur in deserts as well (garbage dumpsites in deserts) where camels and other desert wildlife have been found dead with plastic ingestion.

If animals don't die from plastic ingestion, they pollute the food chain instead. After all, we are the ones eating fish and meat.

Moreover, it takes about 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million non-degradable plastic bags. And we use 4 trillion to 5 trillion plastic bags worldwide annually. That's using up oil sources without recycling them.

Recycling cost of plastic bags: it takes 250 bags to make 1 kilo of plastic - making recycling economically unviable. Furthermore, plastic is made of recycled materials, making them difficult to be further recycled. Burning plastic results in air pollution and toxic ash.

how about u take 2 plastic bags when u go to the store. dont get new ones. reuse the old ones or get a big jute bag. it wont rip out

Yes it is a huge problem, scientific researchers recently discovered a soup of microscopic plastic particles in our oceans, some far away from civilization. this will effect marine life all the way from the lowest levels to the top of the chain, including us if we eat seafood.

Yes, it does affect the environment, however in the end nature will respond and it depends on your perspective if it is harmful or not.

Quotes by Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) :

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA"

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!

Yes definitely its harm to enviornment. Better use recycled plastic bag, or use your own home made bag by which you can use again and again.

The oil and chemicals required to make plastic bags comes from the earth. Humans bury waste or burn the bags which eventually returns them to the earth. I can't see the problem.

It hurts the bags' feelings. But in all seriousness, it hurts the resources for bags.

At the grocery store I wil double bag everything for fear of my groceries ripping out.

I end up throwing away the plastic bags I don't use, and more often than not pile them up in the corner of the house.

does that harm the environment at all? I'm trying to help the environment out more. any answer would be appreciated.

“If we burn the plastic, we generate toxins and a large amount of CO2. If we convert it

into oil, we save CO2 and at the same time increase people’s awareness about the value of

plastic garbage.”

In case of plastic/tire waste management, pyrolysis is better alternative compared to

incineration or dumping. Incineration is burning of waste which leads to loss of valuable

energy from polymer waste. Dumping of polymer waste is known to cause land pollution. By

pyrolysis of polymer waste, it is possible to recover value from waste in the form of

Pyrolysis oil, Hydrocarbon gas and charcoal.

More information pls contact:

