> Is this good news for alarmist prognosticators?

Is this good news for alarmist prognosticators?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Read the article. This isn't about long-term forecasts. This is about predicting *this year's* summer ice melt in spring.

So, it wouldn't have any impact on "The Arctic will be ice free in 20__". It will only impact "This will be the year for it". (and, at this point, I don't think there are any real scientific doubts that it will be this century. It might be as far as 50 years, or as few as 2 or 3, or maybe even next year, but I don't think *anyone* who's actually studied it is giving estimates larger than 70 years)

I read through the article. It seems to be just a report of a more accurate model for predicting summer ice, one which takes ponding into account. There is the obligatory "bad news for the saviors of the earth," comment, but for the most part, it is a report about better understanding Arctic ice dynamics.

The Gullible global warming/climate change Fools are playing right into the hands of the Corrupt UN and it's quest for a world dictatorship.

According to misfits like Al Gore, the ice would have all been melted by 2013 and New york would be under water now.

Facts really disturb you don't they? They show your anti science stupidity for what it is


I'm sure this will lead to more "The Arctic will be ice free in the summer of 2 _ _ _" predictions that will not come true. Oh well. At least they can use the old standby "Well, the science was new then. Now the science is settled and the Arctic will be ice free in the summer of 2 _ _ _. For realz this time."