> What is the supposed "AGW debate"?

What is the supposed "AGW debate"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
good question. I have not seen one original myth in the past year.

I sure haven't heard any.

There is no science to support the denial of AGW. It is sad when politics and personal opinion is used to cloud an issue as important as climate change.

I read one report by Skeptical science say that the oceans have been warming during this cooling period and in a previous report, found by Google searching, they were saying how the oceans cooling over the last several years didn't mean that global warming was going away.

Pretty certain Skeptical Science is bought over by the left or by big environment, and I doubt it can be trusted to be unbiased.

Good Luck with that!

There are not any that I have seen.

It's getting cooler.

Debate THAT.

My prior detail in my prior version of this question was vaporized by a cheating denier "reporting" that question, before I had time to copy it, so I'm reposting this shorter form of it.

In essence, I would be interested in any link to any YA Global Warming question posted in the last year, that is NOT based on a recycling of one of the anti-science myths debunked here: http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php