> Why are greenies so afraid of the Koch Bros.?

Why are greenies so afraid of the Koch Bros.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It shows the logic of the typical greenie. Some religions work better with a bogey man. Climatism is one of those religions.

It also highlights that the average greenie does not do much research into any topic. For instance, there are organisations that donate more than the Kochs. See the pie chart below.

Also note, that people who fund the greenie point of view are, strangely, never mentioned. Tom Steyer and his $100 million is one example. The Hewlett Foundation is another. Note that the pie chart covers the years from 2003 to 2010. This extract from the Hewlett Foundation site covers 2008 to 2014. How many more foundations contribute? The total, by the way, is over $343 million.

There is some serious money in this. Anyone who thinks is is just about the science is being very naive.


Do you even realize how stupid that is???

Lets take an example. The Koch Brothers are trying to take away voter's rights??? You are talking about the voter ID rule. Of course in order to vote you need to be a citizen, at least 18 and not a convicted felon. In order to buy smokes you only need to be at least 18. Funny how you are not against the ID requirement for buying smokes.

And lets talk about Social Security, shall we??? Since you like Social securtiy so much, BOY do I have a deal for you.

I am going to take 6% of your paycheck for the rest of your life. IF you die before 65, I am going to keep the money. If you live to be 65, I will start to give you back SOME of your money. Not with interest or anything like that, NOOOOO. I will give you back ONLY as much money as I took from you IF AND ONLY IF you live to be 85.

So tell me Stubby, if you like social security so much, surely you would welcome this opportunity to double your "benefits"??? Will you put your money where your mouth is and start sending me 6% of your pay???

Federal by means of bullies isn't going to enjoy a beneficial qualifications.

Government by bullies doesn't have a very good track record.

I don't think they are afraid of them. They just don't want them to emit human excrement into their "Government cornflakes" or "Government gravy train", so they demonize them. There's a willing media that also lives off of that same gravy, so guess who gets "bad media coverage" and who gets the "Government gravy"?

Because they are wealthy and not swayed by the shrill and fraudulent claims of Catastrophic, Man-made, Global Warming.

The Hippies pushing that crap are dependent on week-minded bureaucrats to maintain their charade.

Scapegoats Some liberals want to kill them for imaginary

crimes .

they are Satan and what they do is immoral

Koch Brothers Exposed: The Chilling New Documentary Republicans Don’t Want You to See


I wonder who the brownies are afraid of.

it's not fear at all

Dislike, not afraid. Back up your claim

Conspiracy ideation.
