> Since the fossil fuel industry pays for climate science and research, should we blame the fossil fuel industry?

Since the fossil fuel industry pays for climate science and research, should we blame the fossil fuel industry?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Climate research more than pays for itself.

Climate researchers develop models that are used in weather forecasting. This worth about $30 billion to the US public in a normal year.


and lots more to agriculture, hydro power companies, flood planners etc. And how much was the week's warning that Hurricane Sandy was on course to hit NY worth?

Some of my colleagues work for power companies, and they need to make plans every single day for how they're going to keep the power on. They need up-to-date weather forecasts, but they also need to predict how much wind or solar power will be feeding into the grid, or how much people will turn on heating or A/C. They combine their historical grid data with climate records called 'reanalyses' that are built by climate scientists.

A slight (1%) improvement in wind power forecasts was saves Texas' power grid about $70 million a year:


Now that gas prices have gone up, there is more wind power and forecasts are getting even better, so the savings will only get bigger.

Climate research money also buys satellites and develops the software to use them. My last research project was on using satellites to measure snow depth. This is worth loads to the ~3 billion people who rely on snow melt for summer water, or who own farms and need to know how much water they're likely to get in the summer, or to warn of floods or droughts. We've also had the same types of satellites for decades now, so by looking at the full record we cans see the effects of global warming on snow and test climate models. Reliable models are then used to forecast the future so people can plan.

And scientists working on sea level rise help insurance companies work out the correct price for flood insurance. If government actually listens to them and prevents building on areas that are going to flood, it'll be worth hundreds of billions.

Climate research is a scam. The complete knowledge on the Earths climate and all the factors involved has been known for decades. What we see being played out today is nothing more than the ongoing systematic separation of people and their money. With an ultimate goal of a great population correction across the planet.

You have an extremely flawed logic. You may as well say that since the world's drug lords spend so much money in research to produce and deliver their drugs world wide that they are not to blame for all of the illegal drugs?

Everybody knows that Al Gore traveled back in time to pay these guys.

Just study the IPCC. All that research and they still promote a political solution.

Yes we can blame the fossil fuel industry but they are not alone. The culprits are also the UN and other governments along with the power industry.

Climate research costs are well-covered by what the fossil fuel industry brings into the Government. Climate research doesn't pay for itself. That's for sure!

Any figures on the ratios?