> What are the problems affecting climate of a region?

What are the problems affecting climate of a region?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You would need to specify a region for starters. Different climate areas have a different geography which can effect rainfall,for example

Kimber...way to rant The question wasn't even about AGW, which by the way you seem to know nothing about

Global warming is a farce!!!! What is really happening is the poles are shifting. Why do you think artic birds are landing in Florida and whales are beaching themselves and stuff like that? Because they use the magnetic poles to navigate and they are lost because magnetic north is shifting and shifting faster than it ever has before. How can half the country be under blizzard warnings and remember last winter? Record snow all over the globe. It snows now in places that never saw snow before. Don't listen to the global warming crap. Don't believe everything they tell you. The reason they push all this bullcrap about global warming is so that they can tax us for it. Its a way that the powers in charge can get money out of us and they can control what we do. Its all about money and control. Just like the sun is going through a pole shift we are too.

What region? What climate? If there are problems, they are age old and not proven that man had caused them.

not sure what you mean by 'problems'. If you mean climate change, it means adaptation, anything from new diseases to flood controls. Be more specific.