> How can Global Warming be real if...?

How can Global Warming be real if...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How can global warming be real if God hates fags?

God used to be a 4 pack-a-day man. That's what happens when people give up smoking. They become self-righteous, sanctimonious preachers to those that continue to smoke. So no. God doesn't hate fags. He's just chosen not to smoke and we should support him in that ...

If God exists, I am certain that God does not hate homosexuals. Otherwise global warming has nothing to do with homosexuality.

Well, God got mad at Adam and Eve, and made their environment worse.

Then he got mad at mankind, and made the Earth overly wet.

He promised Noah no more really big floods, but didn't promise not to warm things up.

It is pretty hard to argue with your logic since your logic is so hard to figure out. Why would anyone hate anyone for something they don't have any control over? Hating hurts the hater most.

Apparently, it's anyone's or anything's fault, apart from increasing CO2 levels!

It was real for 34 years,but it ended 11/28/2012. Confirmed when Ice started to accumulating ICED areas. Mike

Well Slayer believes "God Hates Us All" so maybe this is God's vengeance? (ironically they released this album, unintentionally, on September 11 2001)

Well global warming is all about changing of environment no one actually responsible for it except the unexpected changes of weather the only way to reduce it is growing of trees as much as we can..

that is trully fack phenomena of the nature,its real imazin.

Global warming is caused by green house gases and pollution which cause the ozone layers to blah blah blah and melts the ice glaciers

God loves everyone he's just a homophobe lol so he thinks what they're doing is wrong and that they'll go to hell but yea supposition he love everyone

How can global warming be real if God hates fags?

I thought it was Al Gore's fault? Or George Soros. It seems to be a lot of peoples faults apparently.

Well you can take heart from the fact that God must love stupid people, as he made so many of them.

Jesus told Rush it isn't real