> How has human behavior contributed to the rise of climate change?

How has human behavior contributed to the rise of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
any ideas please its for my school assignment

Great, another indoctrination assignment. The absurdity of talking about "climate change" is readily apparent in the name. The climate is a chaotic system. It has ALWAYS been in a state of change. Further, everything done within that system from a cow fart to the CO2 emission will have some effect.

So lets talk about some changes that no one likes to mention. CO2 is plant food. Greenhouses pump in CO2 to spur more plant production. We are currently at 400 ppm, that is 400 parts per million or 0.04% of the atmosphere is CO2. Plants tend to grow better beyond 1000 ppm. The earth has been 4 degrees colder in the past and about 10 degrees warmer. Warmer time periods included the Jurassic period which saw 2200 ppm and much more plant growth than is currently seen on earth.

The seas are rising by about 3mm/year which is 1 inch for every 8 years. While this causes problem over the long run, the problem can be mitigated. Furhter warming allows more crop growth further north and at higher elevations.

And all of the disasters caused???

Are there increased Hurricanes?: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/Landsea/gw_...


Tornadoes?: http://www.ustornadoes.com/wp-content/up...


Are we losing all of our crops?: http://sustainablog.org/files/2009/08/co...


What about Floods/drought: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/s...

No trend.

There are good reason to recycle, reuse and reduce what we use. There are good reasons to move away from non-renewable sources of energy. BUT, this crap psuedo-science garbage about climate change and this stupid indoctrination is sickening. They need to start telling the truth.

Here is some truth you will not hear. For the next 15-20 years we will see no real warming. Why? Because the PDO is in the down cycle. More CO2 is still going into the air and CO2 does slightly increase temps, but because the PDO is in the down cycle and the warming is slightly less than the effect of the PDO, no warming will be seen.

This does not mean we should not continue our efforts to move towards renewable resources. We certainly should. BUT, do not be taken in by this garbage idiocy of scare-mongering. The warmers are too short-sighted to see the effect, but their scare-mongering is going to lead to people being disillusioned about environmentalism when for the next 15-20 years no further warming is seen. Don't become disillusioned.

Emeritus Professor?Chemical?Thermodynamics Dr.?Leslie Woodcock of the University of Manchester’s?School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science?and a former NASA researcher:

“‘climate change’ is a meaningless term used as a sop by big business to create money.”

“The term ‘climate change’ is meaningless. The Earth’s climate has been changing since time immemorial, that is since the Earth was formed 1,000 million years ago. The theory of ‘man-made climate change’ is an unsubstantiated hypothesis [about] our climate [which says it] has been adversely affected by the burning of fossil fuels in the last 100 years, causing the average temperature on the earth’s surface to increase very slightly but with disastrous environmental consequences.”

Any human global climate signal is so small as to be nearly indiscernible against the background variability of the natural climate system. Climate change is always occurring.


I took environmental science last year so first of all, may I recommend that you support the theory of climate change and leave personal opinions aside (unlike some previous answers have suggested) because your instructor is most likely going to want to see evidence or data supporting the actual process of global climate change rather than read a paper denying any unnatural change in the Earth's climates.

Likely the most important activity that impacts the environment linked to human behavior is our production and emission of anthropogenic pollutants. Of these pollutants, some are referred to as "greenhouse gases" because they intensify Earth's greenhouse effect (The greenhouse effect is the process where greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane absorb thermal energy from the sun and radiate it back towards the Earth causing Earth's temperatures to remain high enough to sustain life). Greenhouse gases are commonly emitted from transportation, industry, and anything else that involves the burning of fossil fuels. Because humans, especially in highly developed countries (HDCs), look to industry as a way to meet the nation's consumer needs and are constantly using modes of transportation, we are putting too many harmful pollutants in the atmosphere resulting in climate change. Besides greenhouse gases, before they were banned chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were used as refrigerants and aerosols. However, it was discovered that CFCs had a devastating effect on the ozone layer protecting Earth which threatens most life on land leading to their prohibition. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) also causes problems for climates and is released with burning fossil fuels. SO2 does the opposite of a greenhouse gas; it actually reflects solar radiation back into space. However, SO2 is no friend to humans because it is a main contributor of acid rain which can heavily harm ecosystems. Many countries have made or are currently making large attempts to decrease or contain human-produced SO2 which is positive in many ways but it also lessens the cooling effect atmospheric SO2 has on Earth.

In short, you can mention any and all processes that involve the burning of fossil fuels because it produces greenhouse gases that absorb and release more thermal energy towards Earth causing global climate change. CFCs and SO2 don't play a huge role in climate change because the culprits most focused on are the greenhouse gases but I think they are worth mentioning just to add variety to your assignment.

If you need/want to add statistics and data to your assignment I recommend www.epa.gov.

climate change is an opinion. the earth has changed long before humans were on it. Humans are making very little impact compared to what happened during the ice age and the warm ups.... write about that. be different

We don't know. We have political leftists trying to blame everything bad under the sun on capitalism and petroleum. It makes me think of the primitives doing rain dances. As Khan Noonien Singh, or just Khan in Star Trek, suggested, "Oh, there has been technical advancement, but, how little man himself has changed"

What Do We Mean By Climate Change?


Climate Change is the term used to describe the way that weather systems around the world have been, and will continue to be, disrupted as a con sequence of global warming.

What Is Global Warming?


When we talk about global warming it’s usually with reference to the human emissions of greenhouse gases that have accumulated in the atmosphere and are trapping extra heat energy, this is the greenhouse effect at work and our activities are enhancing it.

Global warming and cooling can occur naturally, when this happens it’s a very long and slow process; it’s on a completely different scale to the warming we’ve seen in recent decades.

What Is The Greenhouse Effect?


The gases that we refer to as greenhouse gases have the ability to trap heat. The most common of these gases are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide; these account for more than 99% of the greenhouse effect.

Heat energy comes from the Sun, it’s of a type that can pass through our atmosphere without being bothered by the greenhouse gases (solar radiation). This heat warms the surface of Earth and all the things on it, in time this absorbed heat is released again. This time the heat energy is in a different form (thermal or infrared radiation) and it has a longer wavelength.

The greenhouse gases are able to trap some of this type of heat and prevent it escaping into space. Once this heat is trapped it gets released again, some of it goes off into space, some comes back down to Earth. It’s this trapping of heat and returning it back to Earth that is called the Greenhouse Effect.

This retention of heat that acts like a layer of insulation, without it Earth would be bitterly cold, so cold it would freeze solid. As the amount of greenhouse gases increase, more heat can be trapped within the atmosphere and this leads to additional warming.

How Are Humans Causing Climate Change?


In a nutshell, it’s because we’re producing more greenhouse gases than natural processes can cope with.

Vegetation, soils and the oceans absorb and release carbon dioxide, left alone this system is more or less balanced. Our emissions of CO2 have overloaded this natural process and each year billions of tonnes of surplus greenhouse gases are accumulating in the atmosphere. So much so that there’s 42% more of them then there were before the world become industrialised.

Where Are Human Emissions Coming From?


A lot of our emissions of carbon dioxide come from the burning of fossil fuels, namely coal, oil and gas. These products consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms, when they’re burned they react with oxygen in the air and the by-products are water and carbon dioxide.

About a quarter of all emissions come from power stations, they burn large amounts of fossil fuels to generate the electricity we use.

Another quarter comes from cutting down forests, particularly the Tropical rainforests. When the trees are growing they remove CO2 from the atmosphere via photosynthesis. When they’re cut down or burned the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere. Unfortunately forests are being lost at a very significant rate, if replacement trees were being planted it wouldn’t be so bad, this isn’t happening.

Other major sources of carbon dioxide include manufacturing processes, mining and quarrying activities, iron steel and cement production, the chemical industry, the oil and gas industry and transportation.

Carbon dioxide accounts for about three quarters of manmade global warming, the second most significant manmade gas is methane.

The main source of methane is the agricultural industry, it comes from the manure of livestock and from the way animals such as cows digest food (it makes them burp and fart methane gas in huge quantities). Methane is produced when organic material breaks down, garbage sites and sewerage are another two sources. Coal mining, the oil and gas industry and rice cultivation are the other three primary sources of manmade methane.

The other greenhouse gas we produce a lot of is nitrous oxide. Some of this comes from the burning of fossil fuels and the chemical industry but by far the biggest source is farming and agriculture. Nitrates are widely used to fertilise farm land, whilst they help the crops grow they also give off a lot of nitrous oxide.

It is the lack of proper knowledge, use and proper disposal of chemicals that are present everywhere, even on the foods we eat. It is impossible to stop producing these chemicals though since most of what we are using uses chemicals, what we can do to help mother nature is to properly dispose these chemical wastes.


Look up the increase in greenhouse gases, specifically increases in CO2, and an increasing greenhouse effect.




None no proof

too much farting

any ideas please its for my school assignment