> I think I found all the ice GW folks are missing, what say you?

I think I found all the ice GW folks are missing, what say you?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

So much for the ice disappearing eh


The AGW theory needs to be tweaked maybe with real math and equations instead of Carl Sagans Nuclear Winter

and other failed stuff.

There's no doubt that the Northern Hemisphere is warmer than the Southern Hemisphere, but the Arctic has been recently affected by Positive PDO and AMO where the warm oceans reached that far north. The recent changes in the ocean flows (both PDO and AMO going negative - cooling phase) will cause a greater coverage in the Arctic again.

Climate Science still has a lot to learn about the Planet.


Antarctic sea ice has been decreasing in volume each year because of AGW

If you notice in the article ...

[“The overwhelming evidence is that the Southern Ocean is warming,” said Jinlun Zhang, a University of Washington scientist, studying Antarctic ice.]

This ocean warming is decreasing the ice volume in western Antarctica The increasedice extent on the other side is blamed primarily on the winds

This is a quote from the article you linked.

"…the seeming paradox of Antarctic ice increasing while Arctic ice is decreasing is really no paradox at all,” explains Climate Central’s Lemonick. “The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land, while the Antarctic is land surrounded by ocean. In the Arctic, moreover, you’ve got sea ice decreasing in the summer; at the opposite pole, you’ve got sea ice increasing in the winter. It’s not just an apples-and-oranges comparison: it’s more like comparing apple pie with orange juice.”

Did you not read the article for yourself? Was the story line too captivating for you to bother with reading the details of the article?

There are glaciers that are still gaining mass. The number of glaciers that are losing mass far outweighs those that are gaining mass. Overall global glacial ice mass is down. http://www.wgms.ch/mbb/sum11.html

Congratulations, "Obama fails". You have found one of the few bright spots left to find in our changing climate. The real stickler is if it truly is a bright spot or really something less cheerful? An event that may well lull the less intellectually curious among us into a false sense of well being. Only for them to later be slammed by a darker reality. Whatever the case, the Antarctic sea ice extent increase does not compensate for all the ice loss around the rest of the planet. ... Did you somehow imagine that if we lost all of the ice around the planet that all would be fine with the climate if an equal amount of ice was formed in the Antarctic region? Do you have any considerations as to what the global climate would be like if this were to come to be?

Wow, you read that antarctic ice grew and think you won. You seem to have missed that arctic ice shrank by more than what the antarctic ice grew, but I'd expect that. Now go bury your head in the sand again. That's where I hid your cracker jack prize.


So much for the ice disappearing eh