> Is the EPA's control of CO2 unconstitutional in the US?

Is the EPA's control of CO2 unconstitutional in the US?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The Constitution says that only Congress shall write the laws. Every single agency, including the EPA that is writing regulation is unconstitutional. A regulation is a law, nobody is Constitutionally authorized to write laws but Congress.


The EPA was established by Congress during the Nixon administration. It was granted broad authority to monitor and regulate a broad spectrum of situations that impinged on the land, water and air in this country. Art. 1 Sec 8 of the constitution is broad enough to give the EPA, based on the best science and evidence available to make adjustments in how industry effects the land, water and atmosphere.

Granted, at the time of the founding of the Republic there wasn't much in the line of mass industries, so no particular rules were laid down as to how to regulate them. But even at that, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact, and when science and reason dictates that government authority, in the absents of any other authority, the government must take charge to protect the lives and health of the citizens... not just in a current generation, but as far into the future as can be seen.

No. EPA was given a mandate to protect the environment by Congress.

edit re your update.

The Tea Party? Those losers who didn't think they could win an election as a third party, so they hijacked the Republican Party.

Seems that it is......The EPA literally has the ability to regulate and fine anything and anyone emitting CO2.....except the jet planes used by Gore and Obama or those used by thousands of Climate "Scientists" travelling to climate conferences.

As the Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up revealed, CAGW was exposed as being based on fraud and deception. Such being the case, the Supreme Court was actually lied to in order to perpetuate the CO2 scam. For that, those who argued to the Court that CO2 is a pollutant, are guilty of perjury and should be prosecuted and imprisoned for the harm they committed to society.

Your link didn't link with your question, but the simple "fact" that CO2 is not a dangerous greenhouse gas (it is simply a beneficial gas to all of life except the ill-informed) is "point" enough to know that the EPA is over-stepping its true mission. If someone doesn't understand that "environmentalism" is the guiding force behind the EPA, then I doubt that they will ever understand what the phrase "political bias" means.


Not at all. You think it's outside the charter of something called the Environmental Protection Agency to protect the environment?

Wow, you've actually given a link.

If only it were 'on topic' and related to your question. But given your abysmal track record of making wild claims without providing any source whatsoever, I guess it is an improvement.