> Does anybody know the chemical change in Gasoline that cause the pollution to rise 2200 or feet in the 70s.?

Does anybody know the chemical change in Gasoline that cause the pollution to rise 2200 or feet in the 70s.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There was a big change in the 70's from leaded to unleaded gasoline. That is probably the answer to your question.

Best Wishes,


You have a seriously wrong assumption that unfortunately I see WAY too many people making recently. Why are you assuming that pollution means CO2? CO2 is only one type of air pollution. And in the 70s it wasn't considered air pollution at all.

I'm not familiar with the particular circumstances you are talking about in San Francisco. Typically gasoline has been modified by including additives (oxygenates, etc) to promote more complete combustion (reducing CO and VOC but increasing CO2) or removing lead so catalytic converters can be added to reduce CO and NOx. NOx and VOC react in the environment to create ozone (smog). CO, NOx, and ozone are all considered criteria pollutants.

2C8H18 + 25O2 - 16CO2 + 18H2O

The carbon dioxide is what causes the warming. The warming due to carbon dioxide adds far more water vapor to the atmosphere than does the direct production of water vapor due to the combustion of gasoline.

For answer of this question we must have information.

Go back to your pot smoking, hippie.

In the 70s to get pollution over the Mountains in San Fransisco they change the chemistry of Gasoline causing the pollution to rise at lease 2200 feet or more. I work with a friend who live there and notice that. If the CO2 emissions before only went only to within 2200 of the peaks what cause the change in gasoline to allow it to rise higher and could this be the cause of our Global warming.

I been wondering about the cause for over 30 Years