> Is it hypocritical for anti-fossil fuel protestors to protest from a fully catered luxury yacht?

Is it hypocritical for anti-fossil fuel protestors to protest from a fully catered luxury yacht?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I am a skeptic but I have a smaller carbon footprint (stupid saying) and am much greener than them, yes they are supreme hypocryte's

Does one have to be poor to say that global warming is a problem?

Does one have to be rich to say that global warming doesn't matter?

How many times has this question been posted?

Are we expecting a different answer?

Is this simply an opportunity to give best answer to an AGW denier?

Its do as I say ,Not as I do . Like When Strestand told

people to cut back on water and she used $38,000 worth in a year .

Maybe the engines on the yacht were solar powered? (sarcasm)

Of course they are massive hypocrites. And they always justify their hypocrisy by saying that "getting the message out" is so important that the idea of cutting their carbon footprint doesn't apply to them, only to you.
