> South Dakota is celebrating its 125th anniversary. How has the climate changed since that time?

South Dakota is celebrating its 125th anniversary. How has the climate changed since that time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Oh I'm sure there has been a little climate change over 125 years, but none of it was man-made.

There just isn't any man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I don't know because I wasn't there 125 years ago and I haven't been there there now. One things for sure, I certainly wouldn't trust whatever a climate scientist told me about the place as I'd just be fed a load of lies and temperature records distorted out of all reality.

American myopia is still going strong. Such a moron

one spot on earth is not global. wrong section. try geography. or history.


This shows a picture of South Dakota's Governor of that time period. Look at the background and notice the difference in the climate back then from what is is today.

Also the article tells about a rancher named Lambert who set up ranching even earlier than that in Fall River County in South Dakota. Search through his history and notice the difference in climate from that day.