> How can a planet warming release gases from the crust?

How can a planet warming release gases from the crust?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It makes absolutely no sense.

It depends which planet you’re referring to. Some planets and moons experience distortions caused by their orbits passing through strong gravitational fields of other planets. This causes the entire body to contract and expand generating immense amounts of friction, the friction generates heat whilst the distortion causes gases to be released.

Io is a prime example of this, it’s the innermost moon of Jupiter and orbits the planet along with the other Galilean moons of Europa, Callisto and Ganymede.

The regular aligning of the moons and Jupiter imparts a gravitational force on Io that physically stretches the moon and causes internal heating. Some of this heat escapes from the surface and causes the Ionian atmosphere to warm up. At the same time the forces at work within the moon and the heat generated cause volcanic eruptions, the largest in the solar system at 250km (150 miles) high.

Back on Earth such an event is only a hypothesis. The theory is that the warming of the atmosphere is leading to a significant melting of Polar ice, this is causing a redistribution of mass around the planet which could both reduce or increase the stresses and strains upon Earth’s crust and this in turn could trigger seismic activity including the release of gases from beneath the crust.

But the numbers don’t really add up for this hypothesis to work. The amount of glacial melt each year is about 750 billion tonnes, the mass of the planet is 6.2 sextillion tonnes. It is a proverbial drop in the ocean. The chances are that if there is an event such as a volcano than it would have happened anyway.

Warming can cause gases to be released from the ground and from lakes and the oceans, but this isn’t quite the same as them being released from the crust.

Within the Earth's Crust is the Earth's Core. Global Warmists do not consider the Earth's Crust or Core as part of the problem as it pertains to the Earth's Atmosphere and Global Warming. The atmosphere and its CO2 content from human emissions is the problem according to them. The Earth's Core is said to be the same temperature as the sun.

Science has always contradicted itself because all they do is study the planet. They make conclusions on what they think is happening. This is where people get into trouble. Many scientists are human and make direct conclusions based on inconclusive evidence. That's why they are called "theories".

Melting glaciers release gasses trapped in them and below the earth, constant heating of the earths surface may also cause more gasses to force their way by heating up- gas + heat = pressure = more gas released.

They say CO2 and methane could be released from the perma-frost or the arctic ocean, however it didn't happen during the Eemian period, so no reason for it to happen now.

Ground is warmer thereby less strength. Trapped gas in permafrost and permafrost melting

It makes absolutely no sense.