> How can i lose this habit?

How can i lose this habit?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1) Never take your wallet out of your pocket except when you use it. Then, you will know it is in the last pair of trousers you wore.

2) Never turn off your cell phone, even when charging. That way, when you lose it, you can call yourself. Use skype if you need to. http://www.skype.com

Accounts are cheap, and it does costs only 2 cents to get skype to ring your cell phone. Make sure you have a loud unique ring to help you locate your phone.

Get a jacket with zip up pockets and keep yor important stuff in there. Thats what I do. Perhaps buy a shoulder bag for when its too warm to wear a jacket. It is important to have designated places for your stuff. I always leave my phone where I charge it. Putting stuff in trousers picket is just bad news. Falls out way too easily, pickpockets go for it and its easy to forget when you change obviously. You can get over this. The jacket or bag will help. Its essier to remember one thing than loads.

Well you ness to put your wallet in the same place every day as soon as you get home. I always put my as soon as I get into my room on top of my dresser in front of my tv, cause like you I used to be real bad about losing it. My phone I try to keep in my pocket, but of I know I don't need it for awhile I put it next to my wallet on my dresser. Just remind yourself every day to do this, and if you can set a reminder of some sort on your phone for around the tome you get home everyday so you will remember to out your surf up in the same spot.

It appears you lost your brains too; this is the Global Warming section, not the psychology category.

I've a really bad habit

I always lose important things like my phone and my wallet i lost my phone 3 times and my wallet 2 times

And i'm sick of it no body trusts me now everyone thinks that i'm not trustworthy....even i don't trust myself and i was thinking of studying abroad and my mother won't let me because of this habit

So please i really need help