> Why was my question was deleted?

Why was my question was deleted?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I asked about Co2 versus soot, was my question deleted because I called someone a nitwit? (is nitwit worse than me being called a moron)

The alarmists usually flag questions they don't like immediately. I usually copy mine just in case and then reword it as to not offend their fragile senses.

All alarmists are gullible morons who hate when people question their doctrine.

@Sagebrush... From my dealings I would agree that the Yahoo moderators lean more towards the climate alarmist side. I did however ask them to look into my suspicions that one or more alarmists had multiple accounts and it seems to have helped. I've also blocked a couple whom I thought were the ones reporting most of my questions and that helped as well. I still do occasionally get my questions deleted but I find if I tone it down a bit, they accept it the next time.

All I asked was "How can you replay the game Medal Of Honor without overwriting your already saved levels?"

You are supposed to be able to replay it, but I don't want to lose all the work I already put into finishing the game.It may not violate and still be deleted. There are several reasons Qs are removed.

1. It is a violation of the rules - you will get an e-mail when that happens within 24 hours. If you want to know the reason for the violation, post "Why was this question (answer) a violation?" and add the original e-mail you got so the users can see the exact context. The experienced users here will explain it to you. There is no statute of limitations on breaking the YA rules.

2. There were zero answers when the time expired - no e-mail sent.

I have had over a hundred questions and answers deleted, and there is no rhyme or reason to why those particular ones were targeted, except that evidently someone or someones wanted to "report" them as "violations." YA is known to be particularly defective in this regard. According to several old timers who are reliable, the current number one answerer in the global warming category was at one point so heavily targeted in this way that his whole account was closed, and only reopened after mass protest. YA is a very marginal activity for Yahoo, and they clearly have zero interest in fixing this or any of the other well-known bugs in it.

You might get more sympathy from some of us if you stopped denying the very solid century-long science of human-caused climate change, but in the long run that would probably make very little difference to any difficulties you might have with YA. Basically, it seems that if you are active here long enough, in any way, and no matter what your interests or viewpoints, you sooner or later get attacked unfairly by people who disagree with you. YA permits lying, cheating, and misbehaving, and a minority of users take advantage of that, and one way or another all of us eventually become victims regardless of anything we do or don't do.

The greenies rule this site. Yahoo is in cahoots with the corrupt side of this argument, and I have the proof.

These nitwits mostly are paid propagandists with little or no scientific background, as their answers show.

It doesn't do any good to appeal as the committee at Yahoo is insensitive to the side of true science.

Goebbels' philosophy rules supreme on this site and the real reason that your question was censored was that it make some leftist greenie upset that you can see the truth. You must pay for the indiscretion of searching for the truth. NOT ON THIS SITE!

Who knows. I almost never get reported when I easily could be. For whatever reason, I seem to get busted when I'm actually making an effort to play nice. Go figure.

Because you are not an alarmist-socialist.

I asked about Co2 versus soot, was my question deleted because I called someone a nitwit? (is nitwit worse than me being called a moron)