> Global warming man of the year?

Global warming man of the year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is pretty sad that there are admirals with such idiocy making into positions of responsibility. My twin brother was an officer in the Navy and I am a Navy brat so I got some stories of how political rank is in the Navy. Apparently this clown thinks he can get promoted by pushing leftist causes. He is probably right. Obama seeks out the worst of the worst. Look at who he surrounds himself with.

I think I will second your nomination

Someone should tell him that the earth is cooling and has been for over a decade now.

He should retire from the armed forces and join the liars club.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said that the federal deficit is the biggest security threat to the US. Stupid ideas like cap & trade to fight global warming will only make the deficit much worse by destroying our economy.

The U.S. military has been warning about risks of political instability due to climate change for years.

Al Gore, he's our man, if he can't do it, nobody can.


"Hypocrisy? What Hypocrisy?"

I nominate Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III.

Who would you nominate?
