> Mention any two global ecological crisis ?

Mention any two global ecological crisis ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The major crisis, but affects ecologically ,are the greedy of multinational and monopoly companies and their natural allies to tap the last drop of natural wealth from the treasury of the Earth to make profits to their never-filling BIG pocket, destroying human health, natural resources, evacuating native man. Second crisis is the spread of disease like Globalization. Together, they contribute global warming, deforestation, food insecurity, rising of sea water and the creation of Evil governments-profit making Government!

overpopulation and globalwarming

Evil governments and Al Gore.

Population growth and Carrying capacity.

Overpopulation and war (Syria Ukraine etc)

global warming and deforstation

food insecurity and global warming

honey bees dying out.


the disappearance of the rain forests.


climate change

6th mass extinctions


Explain in more detail please.