> HELPP! To reduce the Earth's Temperature by 1K, how much would we have to change the albedo?

HELPP! To reduce the Earth's Temperature by 1K, how much would we have to change the albedo?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Assume a one layer planet with an initial albedo of 0.3 and solar constant of 1360 W/m2

If we use the Stefan-Boltzman Equation (E=σT^4)

and then rearrange so that T = fourth root(E/σ)

And then replace E with the solar constant divided by four (approximating for radiation absorption to emission), and the albedo (1-0.3), and the one layer atmosphere heating approximation (2)

gives us T = fourth root[(1360/4)(1-0.3)(2)/σ]

where σ is 5.67*10^-8

Those initial conditions gives us the approximate temperature of 302.7 K

Then I typed in 0.31 for Albedo and it gave 301.61

So 0.01 albedo, or 0.009 or so.

If you need to show your work, just rearrange that final equation. Thats too much symbols and algebra for me to do here.

I just gave this to mr. wolfram:



Then look at the heading "temperature of the earth. You'll see how to handle the albedo there

If it wasn't for global warming -- Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.

Fortunately, Cro Magnon people learned how to make fire and the smoke from their campsites melted the glaciers.

Check Rutgers global snow coverage, we have record breaking snow coverage, thats huge albedo

Instead, how about using such energy sources as solar, wind and nuclear power rather than fossil fuels.

Assume a one layer planet with an initial albedo of 0.3 and solar constant of 1360 W/m2