> Which 35 year period looks more alarming?

Which 35 year period looks more alarming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The 1978 to present graph would be much more alarming if the missing heat would have appeared.

THEROOKIE is basing his projections/predictions on climate models I'm sure. That's a laugh!

Kano's point on a 0C to 30C scale is a valid one but even a scale from 12.5C to 17.5C would be very revealing and much less alarming and the natural event of 1997-1998 would still show up nicely.

I'm sorry but this is comical, you try to compare two periods, while at the same time ignoring that the latter period was well above the earlier one even before it rose.

You also seem (as usual) to be missing the very info you post instead of 1910 - 1945 & 1978 - present, try 1910 - present. over that 100 years the temperature has risen.

The usual point deniers try to claim is cooling in the 40's proves we are not warming, this is a rather silly argument as the well documented PDO event through this period explains why the rise in temps dipped, as it ended temps went back to rising.

It has never been a secret that other things affect global temperatures, that pretty easy to see if you look at the graph of the last 130 years


The data on the PDO correlates to the dip seen in the 1940 through to the mid 1970's, even the brief reversal around 1960. Take out this effect and little else is evident but a long slow rise in temperature and you would have no implied gap to put between your two selected periods, but then I think you know that.

The 35 year period that would look the most alarming of the three has not yet been produced. I will predict this will be the 35 year period from 2014 to 2049. Bookmark this prediction for your future references.

Between the two graphics that you link, they are both alarming to anyone that understands their implication. Our planet is warming at an alarming rate!

Kano, I understand why you would want a 0C - 30C scale. There would not be a high enough resolution to see much more than a flat line at that low of a resolution. Why not pick a 0-100C scale and make it really look like a flat line? Why not show a higher resolution and make it look more of a vertical rise? The scale used is representative of the actual temperature anomalies.

Both graphs are unfairly alarming, the graphs should be from 0 to 30c to be representative of what is actually going on, these maybe okay for people who understand graphs (zooming in to analyse more closely) but unfair for the general public, who do not readily understand that we are talking about, changes that we would not be able to feel

Edit. Some1has.

Because that is more like the climate we live in, freezing in winter, hot in summer, (the real world)

Maxx. judging by some of the average Joe answers here, I am not so sure, a lot cant even spell.

Obviously, it is the period before Al Gore was born. This is not what the calamity howlers really want to see. They need a calamity to solve.

Well, the amount of radiative forcing was much lower back then, yet the same amount of warming occurred.


1978 to Present



1910 to 1945

