> What is a good thesis statement for a deep ecology & climate change paper?

What is a good thesis statement for a deep ecology & climate change paper?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A thesis statement should be determined by the content of the paper, thus it’s very hard to make suggestions without knowing what you’ve written.

A thesis statement should be concise. It does not seek to address the question or subject raised but should provide an interpretation of same and establish a framework for the paper. If you are adopting a non neutral position this should be made clear whilst at the same time presenting the crux of your argument.

If you can add some further info it may assist others in responding to you:

? What position have you adopted as the author in relation to deep ecology and climate change?

? What specific question(s) does the paper address?

? How have you structured your paper?

? Who is the target audience, will they be minded like you or of varying/opposing opinions?

? Does the paper contain anything new (research, observations, approach, conclusions, interpretations etc)?

? Why have you written the paper. Is it a genuine non-partisan informative or educational work or is there an agenda behind it?

Currently I have "Ethical behavior is important if we want to change the course we are on toward destruction of our planet" as the idea for my paper. I am addressing the idea climate change is an ethical issue. We have a responsibility to keep our planet healthy for future generations.

Although I believe climate change is part of the Earth's natural cycle, I also address our part in the acceleration. We are producing more green house gas now than in the past, deforestation, water use, and motor vehicles also add to the problem. Our actions are contributing to the decline of the Earth as we know it.

Climate change is a natural part of Earth's ecology which like other natural events causes fear in humans leading to religious and philosophical actions by humans to control nature.

DEATH to all on earth forever. I wonder if those with one foot in the grave is starting this HOGWASH about MAN MADE Climate Change against Nature thats protecting all. Mike

I despair, how can you have researched climate change, without realizing it is not happening, 17yrs 9mths without increase in global temperature, global sea ice extent above average, no tropospherical hotspot, no stratospheric cooling, cooling sea surface temps, are you just going to repeat the propaganda spouted by media and politicians, or are you going to check the facts?

I am writing a paper which applies the deep ecology movement to our climate change problems. I have an idea of what to write, but can not seem to come up with a decent thesis statement.

Thank you in advance.