> If you had a choice, which one would you believe in, Voodoo or Climate Models?

If you had a choice, which one would you believe in, Voodoo or Climate Models?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well at least voodoo might occasionally get results if only by chance, whereas climate models have never gotten anything right, a hundred monkeys randomly typing would have better prediction results than climate models.

Climate models are voodoo.

When the voodoo fails to work, they can just look at the sum totality and declare one of the dolls worked, therefore all of voodoo is valid. This is in line with what was done with models in AR5.

voodoo, I saw the James Bond film Live and Let Die

Since 99.8% of people practicing voodoo believe it's real there's a greater probably that voodoo is more real than so-called "global warming" where only 97% of people practicing global warming believe it's real. Both require faith to believe it's real, and both would like more taxes to support their belief.

It is obvious what scientific minds would choose. I choose Heidi Klum.

You believe .in Voodoo (Jewish super zombie) so I believe in reality, the exact opposite

Well I can see where you can't tell the difference, because you don't have a background in physics.

I'm sure things like computers and television seem like magic to you also.

Clearly climate models. Say what you will about politicians, big business, activism, and the like having ulterior motives when it comes to policies regarding climate change. Any and all of that may be true as well; however, scientists are formally trained experts in their fields and would not likely stake their reputations on falsifying data. Especially teams made up with thousands of PhD recipients. Climate change is not magic. Yes has happened countless times since the formation of our planet, and yes it we would not be alive today without it. But in our lifetimes, it has risen exponentially faster than ever before in history.

False alternative. I follow physics and mathematics, and hope to be able to understand the basis of the models, but from what I've seen thus far, they seem to presume temperature, rather than energy, to be fundamental.
