> Do you agree with scientists who concluded that the California drought is a naturally occurring event that happens often

Do you agree with scientists who concluded that the California drought is a naturally occurring event that happens often

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The scientists in this paper demonstrate that drought conditions were far more severe and persistent in the distant past than during recent history. The authors find wet conditions are associated with more frequent El Ninos, and droughts with periods having fewer El Ninos. The paper debunks claims that current California drought conditions are relatively "extreme" or linked to man-made CO2, as well as claims that man-made CO2 controls the frequency of natural El Ninos.

Tropical Pacific forcing of Late-Holocene hydrologic variability in the coastal southwest United States

Quaternary Science Reviews

Volume 102, 15 October 2014, Pages 27–38




"A 100 years ago or 200 years ago, out of every 10,000 molecules in the atmosphere only 3 out of 10,000 were carbon dioxide Now after 100 or 200 years of carbon dioxide emissions, four out of 10,000 are carbon dioxide. There is very little carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."

I both agree and disagree, with those scientists who state that the California drought is a naturally occurring event.

Droughts DO happen periodically in various portions of the United States, for unknown reasons -- the Dust Bowl of the 1930's being the epitomic example of this.

Hence, I believe that the current, severe drought in California would have occurred without the excessive carbon emissions of contemporary society.

However, WITHOUT the advanced levels of Carbon Dioxide in the air, the drought in California would not have been as lengthy, severe, or pronounced.

As for those who claim that recent years have been 'wetter' than usual, rather than drier, as one would expect during a drought...I must point out that you are actually supporting the argument that Global Warming is changing the climate, and posing an existential risk to Human Civilization.

If it IS wetter in recent years than in distant years, then this is an undesirable sign. It indicates that extreme weather is occurring on a more frequent scale.

This means that wet areas on this planet will experience even more precipitation than usual, and that dry areas will become even drier than in the distant past.

It is highly questionable as to GHG concentrations being a factor in the frequency of El Nino. That is tied to the temperature of Pacific Ocean surface water when the colder water from deeper down shifts to the surface. What exactly drives this phenomena?

The Dust Bowl came about in part because of crappy land-use policies that allowed erosion and the destruction of the tilthe in the topsoil. Contour farming practices returned to use as a result along with better soil conditioning practices.

Droughts and rainy years appear to occur in a near cycle. Our CO2 certainly wasn't responsible for both the very wet years we had not so long ago and the very dry years we have been having. We had a good rain last week and are expecting more rain on Friday. For being in a supposed devastating drought, we have been pretty wet so far this year.

I don't know of scientists that made that conclusion, but I would generally agree with it.

Herein lies the problem. The G part of AGW is GLOBAL. I know the warmers went to climate change and left off global in their rush to confuse the masses, but GLOBAL is still part of this.

If you cannot show a change globally, then pretending the a local change is caused by a global temp change is silly. Does AGW cause more droughts would be the first question to answer. This question has not been answered. If it were answered then one could discuss the increase in likelihood of a cali drought occurring. Even in that, you cannot say "caused" only "increased the likelihood".

California is naturally a desert. Large numbers of people can live there becaus water is piped all the way from the Colorado River. The weather is normal for deserts.

Unless you know something I do not know, most of California is a desert and as such deserts lack rain. That is why they are deserts. The only reason California exists as we know it today is due to dams and to the Great American Canal. As such, deserts do not have "droughts." Deserts have rain spells.


Of course it is a naturally occuring event, California is a desert with a historical record of long and persistant droughts, if anything the last 50yrs has been wetter than usual.

Yes,the climate has always been changing.What we are seeing now are greedy governments and mad scientists who are after money,in the governments case and notoriety in the case of the scientists.

And that there is nothing in the scientific data to suggest that the drought is caused by so-called "global warming"? Or do you believe that a 0.02% increase in co2 has caused the state to go dry?

Name one that made that conclusion.

Currently, humans are emitting around 29 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year. Around 43% remains in the atmosphere - this is called the 'airborne fraction'. The rest is absorbed by vegetation and the oceans. While there are questions over how much the airborne fraction is increasing, it is clear that the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing dramatically. Current CO2 levels are the highest in 15 million years.

Atmospheric CO2 is accelerating upward from decade to decade.

For the past ten years, the average annual rate of increase is 2.07 parts per million (ppm). This rate of increase is more than double the increase in the 1960s.

Decade Total Increase Annual Rate of Increase

2004 – 2013 20.71 ppm 2.07 ppm per year

1994 – 2003 18.70 ppm 1.87 ppm per year

1984 – 1993 14.04 ppm 1.40 ppm per year

1974 – 1983 13.35 ppm 1.34 ppm per year

1964 – 1973 10.69 ppm 1.07 ppm per year

1960 – 1963 3.02 ppm 0.75 ppm per year (4 years only)

i think they should stop the columbea river from dumping in the ocean and run it into lake shasta

that lake has a big ring of empteness

nope it is the way the slick fuel companies continue to push there agenda

no reference to back up your claim.

your math on .02% is plain wrong. the concentration of co2 rose from 280ppm to


EDIT: the study confirming nat causes at



Nope i don't at all

What scientists? This is yet another lie. Give it up we're onto you

i cri evrytiem


