> List some causes and effects of global warming?

List some causes and effects of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Cause - Increase solar activity from the sun during normal solar activity cycle

Effect - increase in atmospheric moisture due to evaperation from the oceans. Water vapor is the number 1 greenhouse gas

Cause - Increase of intergalatic cosmic gamma radiation

Effect - According to research at CERN each gamma ray particle can cause a 10 fold increase in water vapor condensation in the atmosphere IE coud formation. Clouds prevent thermal energy from escaping back into space

If by effects of global warming I would say an expansion of the temperate zone that harbors vegetation growth. Longer growing seasons, greater atmospheric moisture (which not only traps the heat in but the white clouds will reflect heat back out into space. Kind of like self regulation of temperature), more rain in some areas drier in others. More vegetation would equal more atmospheric CO2 absorbsion by the plants, increase of animal populations that feed off plants thus increase of animal population that feed off of plant eating animals.

I didn't list any anthropogenic causes of global warming from CO2 because atmospheric CO2 concentration is so small what tiny deviation in levels there would be are insignicant in effects on global climate and that well documented geological records prove that atmospheric increases in CO2 always occur after global warming and not before most likely due to the oceans releasing stored CO2 as they warm up.


1. Green house gases released such as c02 and methane.

2. one huge contributor of mehtane is cows. When we raise cows for dairy and meat they release methane well by pardon my language farting!

3. When we use paper and cars we release large amounts of c02 which also causes global warming


1. More disease, dude to fact that insects can reproduce and travel farther distances when it is warmer

2. Rising sea levels.

3. extinction of thousands possibly millions of species.

4. More cases of skin cancer because of ozone depletion.

Global Warming Cause: Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants, Carbon dioxide emissions from burning gasoline for transportation, Methane emissions from animals, agriculture such as rice paddies, and from Arctic seabeds

If it wasn't for global warming -- Chicago would still be under a mile of ice.

Fortunately, Cro Magnon people learned how to make fire and the smoke from their campsites melted the glaciers.



go to the source-NASA

solar variation and cosmic rays are not significant. CO2 is the main driver now. It's not volcanoes either.