> Allright guys, Just watched CNN about co2 emotions contaminating the air and will kill us in 2020.?

Allright guys, Just watched CNN about co2 emotions contaminating the air and will kill us in 2020.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
will it really happen??

Bull Hockey. CO2 emissions are not going to kill us in 2020. An increase might not do us any good, but it will take a lot longer than seven years to do us that much harm.

Since humans and animals breathe out CO2; maybe we should breathe half as much and we might make it to 2030 with a bit of luck. Considering that in the 1970s scientists and Time magazine told me I'd be frozen to death in the next ice age by now: I'm not too worried LOL..

OUR ENVIRONMENT is SAFE. My teams found the true cause of Global Warming and its not the environment. ALL EARTHS SPECIES are Under ATTACK by Aliens, but my Triple Output was implemented by the hostile continent July 2012 and in November 2012 our Satelites reported that ICE has started to accumulate on different parts of earth, Triple Output may just be the beginning of the end of Global Warming, but not the end of an invasion by Aliens. Mike

No, you did not see that. You did not see on CNN that CO2 will kill is in 2020. You can be ignored because you can't even express what you saw.

Svante Gore parachuting from the Hollow Moon from his Rothschiloreptilian time-machine-mobile into an active volcano, can seeing eye through your TV with 20-20 vision and Illuminati your godaminating Wattsupwashed brain.


"Emotions?" Don't you mean EMISSIONS? You could be dead tomorrow by crossing the street. It's not going to happen, at least in the US. China maybe.

No. But no denying the problems though.

Yes, the emotions that are exploited by alarmists trying to panic us into premature and wasteful action on CO2 are likely to go more damage than CO2 ever could

You breath CO2 with every breath, has it killed you yet?

Poppycock. Where is the proof? This is yet another baseless fear appeal. Why did you fall for it?

will it really happen??

Its a bogus story to fill dead airtime .

We probably won't live that long. Prico and his buddy are out to get us. Prof Richard Parncutt, who outright states that he is for killing a certain group of people because of their beliefs, “I propose that the death penalty is appropriate for influential GW deniers.” That is Prico's buddy. True scientists beware!