> "The Earth has been cooling since 1998" is frequently quoted. Proof please?

"The Earth has been cooling since 1998" is frequently quoted. Proof please?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This ought to do it. Notice it is raw data.

RSS data tells the whole story about the cooling trend since early 1998. Using satellite data to measure temperatures has proven to be the "best" and most accurate way to measure. This takes away from human mistakes in measuring temperatures which seems to be a very important aspect to AGW advocates.

We might as well throw out all past temperature readings where a thermometer was used. Reading a thermometer in the past took a consistent measuring technique and most of selected readers were performing readings without a "consensus" of doing it the same way. The possibility of measurements being 'off' by 1 whole degree wasn't out of the norm. Mechanical readings from the past should be discarded totally (it has no real value) and we all know how proxy data is still in question without knowing all of the parameters involved.

Stick with the RSS data sets.

The statement "The Earth has been cooling since 1998" shows how much the people stating that know about the climate and about what affects it. The statement comes from one single data set. That being the RSS data set which still shows 1998 as the warmest year on record. The trend in the RSS data set is a declining one since that year. However this is the only data set that has a declining trend since that year. The UAH dataset also shows 1998 as the warmest year on record, as it uses the exact same raw data, but the long-term trend is still positive since that year. The weird thing is is that the UAH data is run by a skeptic that is beloved by many a self-proclaimed skeptic, that being Roy Spencer. However when it was realized that his data, which was favoured by skeptics, showed an increasing long-term trend while the RSS data showed a decreasing trend over the same time period suddenly the favoured data set was switched.

The discrepencies between the above two data sets, of course, is that they involve satellite measurements while the other data sets include ground based measurements. The satellite measurements measure the entire lower troposphere while the ground based measurements measure temperatures only at the surface. Of course, as we all know, 1997/98 was the year of the strongest El Nino to date. I suspect, though have not looked deeply into it, that an El Nino and the entire ENSO cycle has an effect on the lower troposphere at certain latitudes.

Here are some papers on the ENSOs effects on the lower troposphere.




Note that there may only be one or two sentences in the above articles that concern your question and my answer. I'm sure, though, that if you are interested in such things you'll be able to find more information by yourself by going to Google Scholar. I'll state this though. Reading those types of articles and actually looking at the science involved and try and come to an understanding of it rather than just reading news articles or personal blogs sure beats walking around with your hand over your ears, as many in here do, and repeating the same thing over and over eh?

How about your "confident", not to mention repeated, assertion that an ice-free Arctic by summer 2013 is a failed prediction.

It appears that your addiction to repeated untrue announcements is now so much worse that you do it even in single posts.


The earth? The earth's surface? Is that what you are talking about? Define your question. Are you asking about the Troposphere, the whole environment, the whole atmosphere, what? When you define your question as a scientist would, you start to understand the answer.


There is no evidence that the earth has cooled. I am not even aware of any method that the temperature of the earth is measured. Nor am I aware of anyone claiming that the earth has cooled.

Global Warming deals with the atmosphere and the oceans, so you seem to be talking about something else altogether. Take your question to the appropriate section. I suspect that you really have no clue what you are talking about. Until you can phrase you question with accuracy and specifics, it cannot be answered.

Are you talking about the earth's surface or the interior? Be specific.

Earth is unpredictable. The weather patters/systems change all the time. The earth will heat then cool then heat then cool. She (earth) is a living thing and sometimes she can throw us all a curve ball.

>>Temperature graphs would be good<<

No, they would not be good. Graphical representations are a means to simplify complex information - which, by definition, means there is a loss of information. Graphs only work when they are accompanied by descriptions and explanations of the analysis they represent. Anyone who only presents graphs and claims they are sufficient proof of anything is lying.

Now how many ******* times have you see this crap in the forum before you decided to regurgitate it yourself

David Rose printed this sh*t in the daily mail originally I think. He took data from the MET and twisted it around to be a flat out lie.Originally printed Oct of 2012 and was reprinted in Mar of 2013. The MET printed a debunk of his article the same day it was first printed in their own blog back in 2012.

Maybe is you paid a little attention to some of the lies your ilk posts here, you wouldn't waste everyone's time by posting the same crap

If you actually want to "learn something" (check with a nearby adult to be sure you really understand what those big words mean), go to skepticalscience.org All the anti-science myths about climate that you've been brainwashed with are debunked there, and even you can probably follow some of the adult explanations.

"The Earth has been cooling since 1998" is frequently quoted. Proof please?

Temperature graphs would be good.


Hey Dork, almost time for your rant, you haven't had one for a couple of days.




The temperature has been flat for the last 15yrs, cooling only if you look at the last few years.

Your going to upset a lot of crackpots asking questions like this.