> How will climate change affect egypt?

How will climate change affect egypt?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are the economic social and environmental impacts?

The majority of Egypt's population lives in the Nile River Delta. The delta will be flooded within 100 years.

From the Egyptian government website "The rise in sea level threatens Egypt’s long coastal stretch on the Mediterranean and the Red Sea with potential damages to, not only the tourism industry, a major contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but also to the entire ecosystem. Predicted socioeconomic implications due to human migration, land loss, and soil salinity cause significant concerns. With 95 percent of Egypt's fresh water needs supplied from the Nile River, the country's vulnerability increases with any changes in rainfall patterns throughout the Nile Basin. Climatic changes will also impact agricultural productivity and fisheries, thus influencing the country's food supply." [1]

From the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- "Egypt is one of the African countries that could be vulnerable to water stress under climate change. The water used in 2000 was estimated at about 70 km3 which is already far in excess of the available resources (Gueye et al., 2005). A major challenge is to close the rapidly increasing gap between the limited water availability and the escalating demand for water from various economic sectors. The rate of water utilisation has already reached its maximum for Egypt, and climate change will exacerbate this vulnerability.

Agriculture consumes about 85% of the annual total water resource and plays a significant role in the Egyptian national economy, contributing about 20% of GDP. More than 70% of the cultivated area depends on low-efficiency surface irrigation systems, which cause high water losses, a decline in land productivity, waterlogging and salinity problems (El-Gindy et al., 2001. Moreover, unsustainable agricultural practices and improper irrigation management affect the quality of the country’s water resources. Reductions in irrigation water quality have, in their turn, harmful effects on irrigated soils and crops." [2]

While I applaud scepticism, Jim Z, who claims to be a "geologist who understands a bit of world history and current affairs" has shown to have no clue regarding left-right wing politics when claimed that Fox News is left wing, again shows that he is clueless when it comes to current affairs and a conspiracy theorist [3] Clearly his "scepticism" of the accepted science [4] is largely based on his political ideology rather then the science.

Nobody knows for sure Have an adult or teacher show you how to search the web


Egypt future climate change

Egypt is currently mostly hot and dry and dependent on the Nile River Delta. In the future, Egypt is expected to be mostly hot and dry and dependent on the Nile River Delta. Luckily those who Obama supported, the Muslim Brotherhood, were ousted by the military and now they are trying to make the Egyptian people free no thanks to our idiotic regime's policy (continuing Hilary Clinton's stupidity). These kind of idiotic shortsighted policies by the left are potentially far more destructive to a society than CO2 emissions.

Those are the facts. The people that ask you to answer don't want you to know the facts. They want you to conform and believe their nonsense.

What are the economic social and environmental impacts?