> Global warming deniers, explane this?

Global warming deniers, explane this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
16 years is meaningless up or down. Look at the power of nature in every wave etc. Look at the ability of the planet to "repair" itself after events like mount St. Helens. We were told there would be no life there for 50 years. In the 1970's it was the coming ice age. In the 1980's the oceans were dying. The 1990's it was global warming. Must have thought they had a winner with that to continue it through the 2000's. But with the failure of nature to follow their models it has now morphed into the all purpose "climate change". Yup, have that every day. If the East Anglia emails don't show it's bogus, if NASA temps from October being used for November don't show it's bogus, if scientific and consensus don't show it's bogus, then look at the chart on this link.


And if you still believe our politicians are not lying, and that the scientists are not just saying what they have to in order to get grants, then you deserve all the crap the progressives deal you.

Oh yes, and you certainly do not understand the economics of this if you think big oil is the money source for politicians to follow. No, big oil is green mailed and more so because they have to counter the green energy foolishness. But the carbon credit market was estimated to be 3 trillion. Al Gore, one of the biggest hypocrites on ecology, had bought the software to run that on the Chicago futures exchange. # trillion without any expense or risk like drilling or producing any real energy.

Atmospheric temperatures are slowly rising as a trend line, but the real effect of an ever more robust CO2 saturated atmosphere is the 'effect' of that retained heat. The additional retained heat goes mostly to melt ice and somewhat less to warm seawater. The 'heat' rapidly deserts the atmosphere for the much cooler venues of ice and sea water. Heat, as with any energy flows from positive to negative. Only after all of the ice in your beer cooler has melted will the atmosphere inside the cooler begin to warm...as will your beer. Deniers stay focused on a fairly stable atmospheric heat index and ignore the effects, or even deny the effects. I keep pointing this out and keep catching hell for it. Why do I bother?

Sorry the global warming deniers are busy denying evolution, a round earth and the holocaust at the moment to answer your question.

firstly it's very difficult to take anyone who uses the denier term seriously, it makes you come across as a cultist nut.

records only go back accurately to the 70's

all the figures are adjusted upwards

there are problems with the siting of many measuring stations

measuring stations which show a fall are usually excluded

it's the world's scientific bodies such as the uk met which have had to grudgingly admit no warming for 20 years or do you deny their science

you seem to be suffering from basic misconceptions on how this world is run and for who's benefit, a small child should be able to see this nonsense is a sinister hoax, sometimes i wish all the insane people who think cold is good and warm is bad would put their money where their mouth is, pack their bags and move to the arctic

In 1820, there was no summer in most of the USA. Snow in July. It was in the Little Ice Age. From the mid 1800's till now, temperatures have been gradually but erratically going up, as we recover from the Little Ice Age.

I have no opinion about carbon dioxide causing global warming. I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of things causing climate change, and it's very hard to know how much of a factor each is.

Why don't you believe that both are true. It may be one of the warmest decades and the temp was stable for 16 years. I think if you knew about about the UN, you wouldn't be so quick to try to prop it up. As far as big oil giving more money than greens get, you have absolutely nothing to back your claim. It is ludicrous. Lefties such as yourself have preconceptions of the world that are based on falsehoods. There appears to be little that can change them except maybe a little maturity but that isn't a guarantee for all.

Hey Dook to the Asker:

"'Explane' explains it all. If slightly informed people, who don't hate science, cannot write at a 6th grade level, imagine how eager half-literate ignoramuses might be to repeat, in however garbled their copy-pasting, old fossil fuel industry deceptions about climate science."

What's really funny is that while Hey Dook trashes the Asker's English skills for misspelling "explain", Hey Dook shows way worse English skills in completely misreading the Asker's position--the Asker is NOT a Denier. He is RIDICULING the Deniers.

Yes the U.N. is Lying --- that's about all they do up there. Nobody has more to gain from the man-made Climate SCAM than the U.N..

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The UN is lying , They want a World tax . There is no warming trend . They cook the graphs and books . They bluff their numbers .

Apple makes more money than big oil.

yea recording temps for over a hundred years down to the hundredth of a degree, and I have a good used car to sell you, just like being able to measure the ocean to the millimeter

The UN reports hottest decade on record. I thought the temperature was stable for the past 16 years? what happened?

Sure we only been recording for about a hundred years. But there IS a warming trend, weather you think its man made or natural. Dont deny facts it really blows holes in your argument.

Is the UN lying? to get money from wind turbine companies? Are almost all scientists lying? Getting paid by those dirty hippies. If only green energy had the money and power of big oil. If its a conspiracy the UN and scientists are certainly on the wrong side, if they wanted to get paid they would side with big oil

At one time anti marijuana groups announced that 98% of heroin users started by smoking marijuana.

This was countered by pro marijuana groups saying 98% of marijuana smokers do not go on to using heroin.

Both statements were true, because of the huge difference in numbers heroin users and weed smokers.

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

"Explane" explains it all. If slightly informed people, who don't hate science, cannot write at a 6th grade level, imagine how eager half-literate ignoramuses might be to repeat, in however garbled their copy-pasting, old fossil fuel industry deceptions about climate science.


At least we can spell.