> Now that the The National Climate Assessment Report has been released and found to be seriously lacking in terms of find

Now that the The National Climate Assessment Report has been released and found to be seriously lacking in terms of find

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
redible, real-world scientific data, should a Congressional investigation be launched to determine why Taxpayer money was squandered on such a worthless effort??

Peggy, everyone knows that you have to enact laws to find out what is in the report. Ha! Ha! Did you vote for Pelosi? Ha! Ha! That is the mentality that the report was written for. Your ignorance is showing with every answer you write. Ha! Ha! It is pure fluff. Pure mirada. Pure snake oil. Pure PR. I don't have to read what is in it to smell it. How many of those 31,000 scientists were involved in the report? When will you ever learn the difference between science and bovine excrement?

In direct answer to your question: Yes. This has been going on long enough. We have been robbed continuously by people who hate the Constitution, the United States of America, and its inhabitants.


Regional effects you say? In order to claim regional effects, They would have had to do a statistical analysis accounting for multiplicity across the entirety of the world. Did they do this?

I don't have to read the report to know it is BS. They are summarizing the BS found in the literature. I can guarantee that there is no new research in that report.

And the crap reporting on the Today show (on this very report) that had artists rendition of flooding over centuries is quite telling of the scare-mongering nature of the report. But perhaps you could answer this question for me. How many houses have you lived in that are 200 years old? Lets assume those artist renditions are accurate. They are supposedly occuring over centuries. The economic devastation will be huge, right? Does this not inherently assume that those buildings will be used for centuries as well? So EVEN if I assume you are right, this is still scare-mongering and exaggeration, is it not???

Wow, just released today and you've already gone through every one of the 800+ pages and found it "seriously lacking"? You must be some kind of speed reader. I was just going through it and I saw LOTS of real world data, but then I live on Planet Earth, and not in the bizarro denial world.

Perhaps you need to try actually looking at, rather than listening to the executive summary from Rush Limbaugh and James Inhofe.

And if you were truly concerned about taxpayer money being wasted, you wouldn't suggest one more Congressional investigation. All those things are for is to provide sound bytes for the Tea Party constituency back in the home districts.

EDIT: James, I never said that I loved it--I have only had a chance to glance at, but it did look like it had some excellent information on regional effects. You, on the other hand, make all your scientific judgments (and probably political ones also) while remaining completely uninformed on the subject at hand.

Have you ever thought of learning about a subject before pronouncing your opinion on it, or would you be considered a D.I.N.O. if you actually studied some science?

Raisin Caine says: "I don't have to read the report to know it is BS"

It's quite apparent that a lot of your scientific knowledge is based on not reading or studying things.

In fact, it seems that James, Sagebrush, and Raisin Caine all get their information about the report by NOT reading it. If anyone ever wondered how deniers ended up so ignorant, there's your answer--they all "know" what's in the report but are too lazy to actually look at it. I'm sure they got their knowledge from reading the executive summary on

"junkscience" or "AmericanThinker" or "Wattsupwiththat"

"Seriously lacking" would probably better apply to your ability to distinguish actual science from on-line fossil fuel industry serving copy-pasted anti-science.

Peg, an 800+ page government report chock full of crap why we need even bigger government, more taxes, and less freedom to prosper. Yup. AGW cultists love it.

Wow remind me not to borrow your Ouija board or did you use your crystal balls this time

can you be more specific "seriously lacking"?

Have you actually read the 830 page report yourself?

Its bogus like Obamas budget


Why should I trust you? Seriously Why?

credible, real-world scientific data, should a Congressional investigation be launched to determine why Taxpayer money was squandered on such a worthless effort??