> If you believe in global warming, do you also believe in Alchemy?

If you believe in global warming, do you also believe in Alchemy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They are good candidates for believing in the Easter Bunny. (Sorry Dorkster, you weren't supposed to read this.) Most of these greenies have their BigFoot Merit Badges.

Actually, I believe in Alchemy. Take Al Gore for example, we all have seen him turn lies into Gold.

(I really an sorry about that, Dorkster. I thought your mother would have told you by now.)

I suppose that it's possible for a climate realist to believe in Alchemy. It's also possible for a PhD physicist to be a global warming denying, young Earth creationist flat Earther.

I think alchemy isn't so far fetched as significant or harmful AGW. We actually can break down atoms and turn them into other elements. I don't know if we can make gold from lead but it wouldn't surprise me but we certainly couldn't do it cheaply.

A geocentric earth was logical in its day. People saw everything rotate around the world as they saw the night sky. Then we learned some more and ideas changed.

Didn't Isaac Newton believe in alchemy?

I thought we could make silver and gold, anyway?

Also, nitrogen naturally turns into carbon in the atmosphere, uranium turns into lead etc.

Alchemy was just chemistry in the early days. Global warming may or may not exist - the jury is out on that one.

True skeptics don't believe in Alchemy. They know that Alchemy, like all science, is manipulated by the Bilderbergs, the Club of Rome, and the Reptilians on the Hollow Moon.

You're better describing a Denier

(and i know you will pick Best Answer from a Denier)

Does the Koch Bros pay you?

We know the reality of those things because of science and scientists - and despite the efforts of Deniers.

Has your arguments against global warming been proven so fallacious that you need to resort to ridiculous attempts to discredit others...

No. Quit making things up

or a geocentric universe? Scientists once believed alchemy and the geocentric universe was true also. Scientists believe in global warming. If you believe in global warming, do you also believe in alchemy?