> Why do people care about global warming when Jesus calls all the shots?

Why do people care about global warming when Jesus calls all the shots?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
jesus who? what does a mexican have to do with it?

Global warming has nothing to do with "sin", it has to do with increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If you're religious and wish to interpret something as sins, you might consider that lying about global warming (as self-professed Christians like Maxx are wont to do) and knowingly inflicting harm on others by preventing action on global warming would probably be classified as sins.

For whatever reasons, I find that following the teachings of Christ is something many Christians DON'T want to do.

Exactly - Believers of so-called "global warming" accept that mans sins are going to end all life on the planet by making the earth gods angry. And the only way towards salvation is for us to repent our evil ways and let the words of Algore in our hearts.

Yes, why do we?

Why care about the poor and the sick and all those starving kids in Africa when it's the son of a virgin mother who supposedly calls all the shots (whatever happened to his father?).

chick.com ? You gotta be joking!

Where in the Bible does Jesus say, "Blessed are the hypocrites who repeat pre-fab lies about science, but who are too stupid to realize what they are doing"?

Jesus wants us to care about each other and His creation.

Your views are faulty, hail atheism!


Our problem isn't about climate change. It's about a need for repentance. We don't need Obamacare........we need Jesuscare, with repentance and penitence and fasting.