> How many trees does ALGore have to plant to suck up all the CO2 he generates?

How many trees does ALGore have to plant to suck up all the CO2 he generates?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It shows that obviously he doesn't believe what he preached. Mintie suggests he made people aware. He is just sheered a bunch of sheep who still haven't figured out they were fleeced.

Al Gore is no different than any other powerful liberal. The New York Times can fire a woman who demands equal pay. Not a problem. Obama's white house staff is not very diverse, nor are they allowed to unionize. No problem. Jesse Jackson counseled Bill Clinton on his infidleity- right up until his own infidelity was made public.

Our "savior of the planet," Rev. Al Gore lives in a mansion with the carbon footprint of 17 average houses. Remember, "The earth has a fever. You must emit less CO2." But I'm not changing my lifestyle.

Considering the millions of people around the world he has most likely made aware of their environmental footprint, you could argue that he has helped reduced the world's footprint significantly. Enough to offset his footprint??

I would assume his mansion is fairly environmentally friendly given he has stakes in sustainable housing projects and solar panels (if we believe the hype). Not sure about his actual footprint. Perhaps you could provide some evidence to support the assumption that he has a carbon footprint the size of a small city??

Furthermore if he does have investments in these companies, do we count the reduction in footprints that his businesses have made on thousands of lives around the world too??

Does the companies he is involved with undertake any tree planting activities?? Has he used his political pull to raise funds to help others reduce their footprints through either legislation, research, products, conservation etc. etc.

There are more than one way to offset your carbon emissions.

It won't stop idiot ranting because you just want to rant but he generates much less CO2 than you expect. His homes are solar powered and he has 7 geothermal wells under his driveway. He drives a plug-in car, which he charges from the solar panels. He has invested in heavy insulation, energy saving windows and LED lights.

If you think Al Gore is the most important guy in the universe then I understand why you want to post about him. But if you are so preoccupied by him at least you could have noticed that if everyone takes the steps that he does we would have much less of a problem.

I figured it up once right after one of his live speeches and it came out to 1.357 million trees, but that was mainly because he was suffering from a really bad case of flatulence that day we were at the speech. It might work out to be a little less if he had been given some Tums before he went on.

Long after the rest of the world has forgotten love Al Gore, deniers still talk endlessly about him--he's the bad boy they have the crush on.

I wonder if they ever stop to think that if he had won the election, that the U.S. would be several trillion dollars richer because of it and many thousands of Americans would not have lost their lives in Iraq?

Oh, and by the way, since you bring it up, you said "Bush won the recount"

Ah, there's a false memory for you: the Florida recount--which had been ordered by the Florida Supreme Court--was ordered STOPPED by the U.S. Supreme Court. If the recount had been allowed to proceed, the odds are that Bush would have won anyway, but we'll never know, will we?

At least 10000 trees would offset Al Gore. I used an online calculator, and assigned him 5000 long flights and 5000 short flights per year. I figured the higher number would offset the private jet factor. Then I added 300000 miles per year driving. The result was 13000 tons per year. This is probably low given that he tends to create the events at which he speaks causing more CO2 usage by others.

Science does not depend on anyone's political delusions or ignorance.

But try taking Econ 101, and staying awake during the lesson on externalities and public goods.

Why do yo care?

You don't believe in global warming anyway.

Denialists love to talk about Al Gore, as if Svante Arrhenius, who lived a century before, would not have discovered global warming without him.

< I do not consider extreme government oppression, wealth redistribution, and collectivist borg like society a public good.>

You mean like this? A very good example of extreme government oppression and collectivist borg like society.


So you might get your electricity from nuclear power and you might recharge you car at a charging station rather at a gas station. How does that effect your freedom?

And how free do you think you will be when climate refuges and everyone else start shooting at each other for the remaining land?

With his mega mansions, private jets, fleet of gas guzzling cars and a carbon footprint of a small city is he going to have to plant the equivalent of an entire national forest the size of Wyoming just to come close to being 'carbon neutral?'

How do you AGW cultists justify one of your own, a single guy, polluting and consuming as much as AlGore does?

P.S. Bush won the recount.

After Bush, no recount was necessary.

Maybe a thousand.

And this is supposed to prove AGW does not exist?

Look over there! Big Foot!

" private jets" He doesnt even own one jet - why make up such stupid lies? Do you think it compensates for your appalling scientific illiteracy?