> Does global warming exsit or is it a scam by politicians to get our taxes?

Does global warming exsit or is it a scam by politicians to get our taxes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Trevor: Say it the truthful way at least, "Global warming is very real, there isn’t a single scientific organisation (FUNDED BY TAXPAYERS) anywhere on Earth which refutes this."

Note: Words in parenthesis added by Sagebrush, for clarity and honesty.

In direct answer to your question, let us go to the proponents themselves and see if they will answer the question for us:

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Redistribution of wealth is what is is all about. Take money from us peons and give it to the Al Gores and Maurice Strongs of the world.

We can see an example of this with President Obama giving the UN $100,000,000,000 (Yes that is billion) for Global Warming. Yet we can't afford to have tours through the White House, which is mainly voluntary, by the way.

Global warming is a real problem and this can be seen through the melting glaciers, alternating climates, droughts, superstorms, and bunch of other instances. However, as with everything the government tries to exploit this idea to the max in terms of making it a form of income to an extent. However, this is only on a very small scale.

Denial preys on the existing prejudices and hatreds of quite a few groups those who dislike politicians, communist, greens and now even scientists, there is a denial theory (usually many) to bring them all in.

But here's the problem scientists have a long history of taking strong action against any in their field that are found to be fraudulent, such scientists are finished as scientists.

Scientists not politicians are the ones telling us this is happening and they are doing that independently of the political views of the country they are in, they said it in the U.S. when Bush and his cronies tried to claim it was not happening.

Look at the denier comment about this it about right wing issues and their own back pocket, little to do with science, which most deniers seem to have little understanding of, even the ones who claim to be geologists.

From the views of the various Academies of science around the world to scientific agencies like NASA, NOAA, USGS, NSIDC, all represent different facets of science it the same the evidence shows warming and that warming is related to Co2 (and other greenhouse gases) we are adding to the atmosphere. To date politicians have done little but talk they have been slow to act because of the campaign the denier movement has created in the general public (mainly in the U.S.) Because while politicians may want to do good work they also want to get reelected. Here in Australia (and much of the rest of the West) this is not such an issue and in fact here the opposition has dropped it's U.S. style attitude to denial, because away from the U.S. funded denial base it's was not working here, in fact it was costing them votes. They continue to oppose things like taxes on Co2, but now accept AGW is happening.

P.S. Daren "Sea level raised by 2%."

Not sure what you base this on but the worlds oceans are on average 4000m deep, 2% of 4000 is 80m, sea level has (so far) gone up ~15cm or 0.15m far far less the 2%.

Can't it be both?

It is clear that any policy being suggested will not stop global warming, because the Chinese and Indians are not on board. Even with them, other countries would still eventually overwhelm them.

All of these countries have decided they are going to burn the cheapest energy they can to try and become wealthy like us.

Global warming is very real, there isn’t a single scientific organisation anywhere on Earth which refutes this. It’s also a consequence of the most powerful and successful of all scientific laws, namely quantum mechanics. If it weren’t real then quite literally, the universe would fall apart.

However… that’s not to say that some politicians aren’t using global warming as an excuse to impose taxes and other financial impediments. I’ve not looked into it but I wouldn’t be surprised if some governments are collecting revenues by means of carbon taxes and the like, which they’re not then using to subsidise other areas of expenditure.

Whatever happens, governments are going to tax us, for some global warming happened to come along at the right time. If it weren’t occurring they’d have taxed something else instead.

Scientists have been saying that humans cause global warming for over a century. And still no carbon taxes in most jurisdictions. Some scam.

Everything runs in cycles. We've got a couple hundred years worth of data on a 6 billion year old planet and we thing we know it all.

Global Warming is the incorrect term it's climate change. It's not like the whole world is going to heat up. just climates change.

You call it global warming if you wish, media and politicians call it that, so why not us.

as Climate Realist says we have known about global warming for a hundred years, and in that time earths temperatures have risen 0.8 degrees C. sea levels by 6.7 inches (big deal)

So you decide.

Sea level raised by 2%.

Obviously, it's a straight forward political ploy.

sure.. glaciers are melting to increase your taxes. Get real.

if you don't like taxes, drop corporate handouts and military spending.