> How to live a more environmentally friend lifestyle?

How to live a more environmentally friend lifestyle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hello, it's nice to see you're interested in going green. That's good for you, and it's good for the environment. We all should be more like you, wanting to become more environmentally friendly. Here's what you can do:

1. Buy products that are "green". Buy products that are made from recycled post-consumer waste, this means you're reusing something that has been previously used and recycled.

2. Purchase environmentally-safe foods, such as tuna that has the "dolphin safe" seal on it somewhere. Do this so you know that in order for you to get what you're eating, no animals were harmed.

3. Re-use your plastic bags.

4. Recycle! You can recycle almost anything these days. You can recycle your car oil too, just look up a local recycling center. You will also be able to recycle paper there.

5. Buy electric or hybrid cars, although expensive, they're green!

6. Ride a bike instead of driving a car when you're going short distance places.

Those are just some of many ideas for going green. Good luck, and thank you for helping the environment!

Get on the internet and search. there is alternative energy, alternative housing, food production and on and on. Many organizations right here in the USA. Look up dome housing just for starters! Look up alternative communities. Educate yourself in a field that contributes to the future of mankind. We do have alternative measures in place for global warming and decrease of pollution. We can not control nature.

We can control the manner of harmony as to how we live and adjust to nature. I believe in the future of the younger generations. Use the internet to explore. It is beautiful world out there. the local news always has disaster and stuff. The internet has the good, bad and ugly ( a pun on an old western movie) Take a look at dome homes, farmers markets. Look around you, do some research. We all can do a small thing to make this world a better place. One by one we all add up to make changes for the better. It is a choice I made a long time ago. You young people, now it is your turn to continue to make discovery. Use the internet! type in "dome homes, USA" that will lead you into other things that we are doing to live a more natural lifestyle.

Its great that you are concerned. Big business is at the root of the environmental problems here are a few personal things u can do

1. Learn how to garden (learn Permaculture) to grow your own food

2. Use solar panels for electricity

3. Ride a bike don't drive

4. Get involved with politics when u get older. That means more than just voting actually get involved in how your local political parties operate by attending meetings etc

1) Try to clean your surrounding.

2) Use less non renewable source of energy.

3) Use alternative and renewable source of energy like bio gas, solar cooker, solar vehicle.

4) Shouldn't use plastic bags.

5) Recycle and reuse the waste materials and garbage.

6) Shouldn't use insecticides in farming.etc.

Plant trees or different types of plants. Take care of them. Try to reduce the pollution made by you

when the sky falls down from the heavens and the weak grow frail from disease. He who was wise built a castle to shelter himself from the world.

Don't live in the world you do not know!

Support the development of clean energy, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. If you can, walk, cycle or take public transit. If you must drive, drive something no bigger than what you need. If you need a large vehicle to take your children to hockey, soccer, football or baseball practise, also get something smaller to drive to work.

don't be so afraid ..do your best in protecting the environment ...do all the bits you can do in your day to day life ...i m proud that there are people who even think of that .....but the main thing of all is that make people awre of that .....dont worry you are a good consumer.........* *)

Turn off your computer, it is a luxury.

What does "LLC" mean?

I'm only 15 but lately I've heard a lot about the economy, the Earth, etc. I'm honestly do terrified for what is going to happen. Global warming, pollution, tax increases. It all scares the crap out of me. I don't know what to do about it because I have very limited control over my life at the moment, being so young. I know all about LLC. How can I be a more healthy consumer? And what else can I do to help save our Earth? I'm scared for it. It matters a lot more to me than luxury items.