> Why is it Global Warming 'skeptics' or 'deniers' often bring up Al Gore but he's rarely in the News?

Why is it Global Warming 'skeptics' or 'deniers' often bring up Al Gore but he's rarely in the News?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's one of their many weak arguments. Since they don't have any strong arguments, they have to keep reusing the same old, weak ones.

Since Gore is the one who brought global warming to general public attention, denialists like to pretend that he created it or something. But, he's not a scientist or anything, and he's not doing anything particularly newsworthy right now, so he's not showing up in the news.

As someone else pointed out, it's akin to creationists obsessing about Darwin (though at least Darwin actually *was* the one who "came up with" evolution in a meaningful sense.)

He won a Nobel Prize while promoting global warming. So he is permanently 'in the news' in that respect. He is also flying around the world giving speeches about how global warming will ruin the planet. He is 'out of the news' in that he sold his environmental TV News network to an oil-rich country. He also appeared at a press conference to call for elimination of the carbon tax in Australia. He is also considered more of an authority because his movie gets shown as propaganda in schools.

Here is a list of some untruths ruled by a judge in England, calling it a political film, that should not be used as propaganda in schools.


A full report on errors is here:


I don't understand the relevance of "in the News".

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is not always in the news but it still contributes far more cash to the warmist side than the Koch's do to the sceptic side.

Newton is seldom in the news but gravity still works.

Stalin is not in the news much but the millions still died

Maybe Gore is keeping out of the news because of the 35 errors that were found in his Oscar winning film?

Maybe at $100,000 dollars a speech he can't be bothered with the news any more.

Maybe he spends so much time chartering a private jet to move between his many houses that he has no free time to be interviewed.

Who knows how the rich elite, who were born into a privileged lifestyle funded by mining, oil and tobacco (and now tell us to shun all those things), want to live their lives?

EDIT: A good summary of the 35 points can be found here: http://scottthong.wordpress.com/2007/10/...

The UK court case that examined 9 of the points is reported here: http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admi...

The man has made himself into a Billionaire virtually by his promotion of Global Warming or Climate Change. He is the epitome of hypocrisy, which is a frequent resident of the greenie movement. He is a liar yet the greenies on this site support him. He got a Nobel Prize yet he has contributed nothing to mankind. He claims he invented the internet when I know for a fact he didn't. He is the ultimate snake oil salesman and has proven to be nothing more than a con man.

You must realize that when you make a tin god and present him as an authentic one in the realm of science, science itself will expose that tin god.

It is true, he is a has been. He did run for president and nearly won. What a freak show the Dems provide us, from philandering Bill, to internet inventor, to Lurch Carey, to enabler Hillery and now the narcissistic radical Alinskiite. It is like the inmates of One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest minus the "chief" and Jack Nicholson but I digress.

I refused to pay to see the movie but I did see it once and just about every sentence was a lie or a distortion or it supported a lie or distortion. It was hard to watch. Frankly I haven't seen that much gore since Freddy versus Michael Myers.

Im a global warming denier and have never heard of Al Gore

1. Because he is such an easy target. A huge hypocrite and its jus funny.

2. Because he is an idiot who ALMOST became president.

3. Because in human discourse we present examples that are generally well known to more clearly identify the points we try to make.

Ha I don't see any skeptics defending themselves here. Al Gore is about the only amo they have in an argument against global warming. He's a hypocrite and is a great tool in arguments against global warming.

We like to remind you, how a clown like Gore got all this crazy warming issue started, okay he was not the first but probably the most influential, with his error ridden "An Inconvenient Truth"

AGW supporters would like to forget about him now, but we wont let them.

People worship what he says when he gives speeches. He thinks he knows what's best to do with the money you work hard to earn. He could be a billionaire off your tax money with the companies he invests in. Generally most green companies need subsidies. So your paying.

there is an old saying "his case is flawless, attack his lawyer". The conservatives want to obscure the issue with anything they can as long as they can. So they trot out al gore and attack him.

Its a common strategy in all areas of denialism - eg evolution deniers pretend the whole science is based on what Darwin thinks , therefore they try to demonise him

In fact , climate change denialism uses many of the same arguments as evolution denialism (eg its a global socialist plot ; the scientists fake evidence to get government grants ; there is no scientific consensus etc etc)

Because only "warmers" use science. Denialists only have ad homs.

because he's the moron who made the MOVIE you idiots think is the BIBLE for Global Warming aficionados!

Al who?