> Human activity contributes to global warming. Which is an example of a human activity that does not contribute to global

Human activity contributes to global warming. Which is an example of a human activity that does not contribute to global

Posted at: 2015-03-12 







burning fossil fuels


To be technical none, as over fishing needs to use ships that burn fossil fuels to catch fish that are then processed in factories that also use power and then are transported to storage warehouses and then onto shops and supermarkets, and if the fish is being sold as fresh it also needs to be refrigerated or frozen again using power. But in that list, A would probably contribute the least.

I think some denier really do believe the swill embodied in answers like Mikes, the facts are we are always going to have to use power and that will add to the CO2 problem, but we can reduce to a minimum the addition of CO2, which in the long run will benefit us all.

P.S. the other Mike (Michael) seems to have the same gift for delusion, he even supplies an exact day when global warming stopped, 11/28/2012, (what, not an exact hour and minute) why no link for any of his claims, sadly that is pretty easy to explain

here is michael's claim

"Satelite (Satellite) reports of ICE ACCUMULATION AGAIN ON EARTH IN 11/28/2012."

I think he means accumulating, but where is he getting this from 2012 was as a year warmer than 2011 (which was admittedly a cooler year) but then 2013 was warmer than 2012, so not really much of a sign of cooling (and unlike michael I will back what I say)

2011 - 11th warmest @ 0.51°C (0.92°F) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

2012 - 10th warmest @ 0.57°C (1.03°F) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

2013 - 4th warmest @ 0.62°C (1.12°F) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

hard to call that a cooling trend, but I guess a denier will try.

As for ice that is supposed to be "ACCUMULATION AGAIN" where is that as the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets continue to decline


Arctic sea ice also continues to decline.


Antarctic sea has increased, but by about 1/4 of the extent the Arctic sea ice has shrunk, but michael gave the impression he was taking about ice in general. Except when he was rambling about ALIEN Organism's and similar drivel, I wounder which denier gave his nonsense a thumbs up.

We all contribute to GW in the form of paying taxes. It is also called extortion. Doesn't do anything for or against the environment though.

All of the above contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore global warming.

In general, every activity not approved of by the green religion will be listed as contributing to global warming. So the answer is probably B)farming. But non-organic farming may be considered unacceptable. As well as any farming that is preceded by deforestation. Fish farming is also unacceptable.

All of the above,

There was a slight natural warming over 17 years ago but it stopped.

GLOBAL WARMING ENDED IN 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports of ICE ACCUMULATION AGAIN ON EARTH IN 11/28/2012. Global Warming's cause was an ALIEN Organism thats been turned off by another country implementing my Solution to help them out in another way. The only way to pinpoint the exact spot to only weaken our Ozone only for ICED areas on earth as it rotated was from outside our Ozone.











burning fossil fuels