> How does global warming affect our everyday lives?10pts?

How does global warming affect our everyday lives?10pts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How does it affect our daily lives? could you possible write a paragraph or maybe just a few key points. 10 pts best answer


If 0.87 degrees in 353 years substantially affects your life you need a psychiatrist or a witch doctor.

You need to appreciate the fact that the earth's temperature is controlled that closely.

ask people from developing countries who are feeling the actual affects of global warming, people who rely on natural resources where they live and don't have them delivered to their doors....imagine you had no vehicle and walked everywhere, how would that affect your life if now you had no water either and the nearest source became polluted, well time to walk another 5 miles to the next one....the developed world complains about taxes and gas prices rising....sure its an issue because the money isn't fixing anything, but maybe it will help you stop making that weekly trip to the next state, or not drive this weekend to see a movie thats being released in another city(this happens), which all in turn lowers emissions and helps developing countries. Now I'm not saying this is the best solution, it is terrible, but its a step in the right direction to make people understand that the standard of living the average individual has in most developed nations is unsustainable.

Here is a simple example of global warming's effect on people.

Coffee. Coffee beans need specific conditions to grow. They like cool mountain sides. But even a slight change in temps alters the places where coffee beans can grow, and increases the number of pests that go after the bean. In the end this means coffee will become harder to grow. Indeed this has already been noted by coffee growers around the globe. So more expensive coffee that has does not taste as good is one easy to see effect of global warming. At it is one that even people in a relatively rich country will appreciate.

10 whole points for helping you do your homework? Sweet.

Global warming affects my life because I live in BC where we have the nonsensical Carbon Tax. Thanks to alarmists, the BC Government had a perfect excuse to tack on another tax to fuel. Whenever I go to the pump I have to pay the highest gas price in all of North America. This makes me so happy, knowing that I have to pay more money on something that will have absolutely no affect whatsoever on the climate. I also pay more for goods and services because manufacturers and businesses are more than happy to pass along any extra taxes they pay to me. YAY! The carbon tax affects the middle class (moi) and poor people more than rich people because it is a consumption tax ie... percentage of income wise it hurts me more than some rich dude/dudette. Even if man made CO2 had a direct correlation to temperature, you could not even reliably measure any temperature change this idiotic tax would bring as it would be negligible.

Food prices have risen astronomically because of the extreme weather we have been having over the last few years impacting crops and farming. We have gone from drought to flooding to drought to flooding for several years now.

I live in a small village in the countryside, and several local farmers have had to give up their farms because the difficult conditions have gone on for so long that they simply cannot financially cope anymore.

Our wildlife population is in serious decline. Recent flooding has wrecked havoc on several key, delicate sites.

Our local government has had to increas spending on environmental repair of roads and woods. Money earmarked for other things has had to be made available.

Local rail lines have collapsed and had to be repaired which will no doubt be reflected in an increase in rail fares next year, as it has now become clear that our present infrastructure cannot cope with these ongoing extreme conditions so entire sectors will need to be replaced to compensate.

On a national level, it has become clear that flood defences will have to be shored up everywhere. These will have to be paid for out of national taxes and will be very expensive. Coupled with the fact that our national economic recovery is pretty fragile, a significant increase in spending will slow our recovery further and be reflected in ongoing wage constraints and interest rates.

The scam makes everything more expensive. It illustrates that leftists believe their good intentions are more important than the consequences of their policies.





http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?id=7286... <~~ yet another econazi feel good policy that wreaked havoc on nature and humanity. Why the hell econazis and other clowns are suing the oil industry for adding mtbe is beyond me considering that it was politicians and EPA econazis that passed laws and rules mandating oil companies add it to gasoline in the first place. Congress should have called the 1990 clean air act the '1990 clean air and poison groundwater act' instead.


kind of like government suing banks for making bad loans when the government made laws to force banks to make those same bad loans.

Causing economic and environmental calamity from politically correct policies is what AGW cultists call success. Sure they screw up the world but hey their intentions are supposed to be make them feel good.

But not all global warming news is bad. To the horror of AGW cult alarmists this is happening


See Ian, and Pretty Little Liar.

Costs if we cut Co2, costs if we do not.

Longer term, spruce bud worm, ash borers, and pine bark beetles will affect the trees you see out your window. You will ski less.

Long term could be scary, if positive feed backs kick in.

We could get lucky, and have clouds help, but they could make things worse.

AGW makes absolutely everything it touches upon, more expensive.

keep your ten points, if you want help just ask

How does it affect our daily lives? could you possible write a paragraph or maybe just a few key points. 10 pts best answer