> Global warming causing this?

Global warming causing this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This kinda thing not because of global warming. It may because of supernatural warnin

Yes, your life is in mortal danger, but not from global warming. My friend, you are being stalked by Santa Claus. You may think he is a kindly old man who makes toys, but you couldn't be more mistaken. Santa is secretly a psychotic killer who goes from person to person and slowly messing with them until he finishes you. It will start harmless. A few glasses of milk gone, the cookies eaten, a new bike in the corner. But gradualy it will get worse, with C4s in your house and reindeer poop in your yard. Finally, while you are sleeping, Santa will move in and smother you with his fat. There is nothing you can do to stop this.

Sweet dreams.

According to "Inconvenience Truth" the world only had until 2008 to stop global warming. Now it is TOO LATE.

90% of humanity will die HORRIBLE deaths from floods, hurricanes, droughts, blizzards, asteroids, tsunamis and earthquakes.

Only the Lear jet people like Michael Moore and Al Gore will survive the coming climate APOCALYPSE in their underground mansions.

your blood is fine , but keep some garlic around just in case . about the milk , look around your yard or on your roof for reindeer droppings or tracks , or a fat hippy running around in red pajamas, he got a fetish for milk and with the ice cap melting he stays inland during the off season

Rats, mice, cats, and dogs are just a few of the animals that share homes with humans that would like to sneak drink your milk.

Go live with Al Gore...now that Tipper wised up he needs another whipping boy

If your blood starts going missing, don't look at me...


no i dont think so

Last 1 week I think I am really feeling the effects of global warming. Like every night I keep my glass of milk on my table and when i wake up in the morning , it is empty. Is global warming evaporating the milk? Is my life in danger? Will it evaporate my blood too?