> What are some countries doing about water pollution?

What are some countries doing about water pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Are they making new laws to reduce dumping? or are they de-polluting the water if that makes sense? thanks

1) In California, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency is looking into the possibility that water pollution may be the cause of a serious epidemic among sea lions by monitoring the sick sea lions.

2) In Japan,

- TEPCO is reducing the radioactivity of the water it releases into the ground water by about half with a filtering system. (2)

- TEPCO is also reducing the amount of radioactive water released into the ground water by

* Pumping radioactive water out of tanks that develop leaks into new tanks. (2A)

* Putting plastic sheets under tanks that might leak. (2B)

* Making 4 plastic lined ponds to hold radioactive water after all their tanks were full. (2C)

* Building a pumping system that will allow them to hopefully avoid dumping radioactive water into ground water in the future by dumping it directly into the Pacific more efficiently. (2D)

- Japanese scientists are insuring that no undue harm is done by TEPCO's dumping radioactive water into the Pacific by monitoring shell fish around the plant. (2E)

3) In Assumption Parish, Louisiana, USA, authorities are safely using helicopters to try to figure out the seriousness of the contamination of the water coming out of the sink hole there in spite of it being too dangerous to go near the sink hole on the surface.

4) In Denver, Colorado, USA, Cotter Corp. will be using molasses and alcohol to encourage some bacteria to bio-concentrate uranium in waste water in a uranium mine, and hopefully automatically precipitate it out so that Cotter Corp, can discharge the effluent with government permission into Ralston Creek that ultimately goes to the cities drinking water supplies. http://www.denverpost.com/environment/ci...

5) In the USA, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission prevents serious problems with dumping radioactive water by stone walling Freedom of Information Act requests. http://www.fairewinds.org/content/nrc-pl...

6) In Hawaii, Ocean water is sampled and monitored to insure the absence of pollution. http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/10...

7) German scientists sample fish in the Atlantic to determine the extent of water pollution there. http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/10...

8) In the State of Washington, USA (Next to the Pacific Coast), Department of Energy Officials are managing a current serious radioactive leak into ground water by making plans to move some of the radioactive waste from the leaking tanks in possibly 2 to 4 years from now. http://www.opb.org/news/article/npr-insl...

So, in summary, there is a lot of innovative action being done to reduce the problems of water pollution, and officials are seriously thinking about the negative consequences.

In the US, we are sending all our manufacturing jobs to Asia. Without manufacturing, the rivers and streams in the US are clean enough for all the people without jobs anymore to spend their workday swimming and fishing in them. In Asia, everyone is too busy working to notice that their rivers and streams are polluted.



in the first nepal,bhutan etc.

Are they making new laws to reduce dumping? or are they de-polluting the water if that makes sense? thanks