> Why I cant post a question?

Why I cant post a question?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
my questions disappear into oblivion

It doesn't like you.

You've been saying bad things about climate,

and now you're being banished.

That does happen to me on occasion.

Probably half a dozen times.

Sometimes they appear after a few hours.

Sometimes a day later.

Sometimes never.

I think it's a bug in their system.

Contrary to what Jeff M would have you believe, Germany backing away from nuclear is absolutely not an excuse to increase coal. From Jeff's own link

"The state-subsidized transition to renewables, known as Energiewende, has not been without high costs. Energy prices are among the highest in Europe and greenhouse gas emissions have actually increased in the near term as Germany’s post-Fukushima drawdown of nuclear power has led to an increase in the use of coal to make up for lost production."

Their increased use of coal has marred any achievement that they can boast about from their use of renewables.

Perhaps one day, when the only non-renewable energy source still being used is nuclear, then we can decide to replace it with renewables. But until then, the only alternative to nuclear power is coal. And every wind and solar farm that replaces a nuclear power plant is a waste, as those wind and solar farms should instead be replacing coal plants.

Some people are protesting about Alberta's supposedly dirty oil. Why aren't they protesting against Germany's dirty electricity.

We argue about climate change because many do not accept it and are standing in the way of advancement in renewable energy and nuclear energy and vote for people bent on keeping us connected to the use of fossil fuels.

And your statements related to Germany are false.


The reason why coal has increased is because Germany is backing away from nuclear. Not because renewables are a failure. They are increasing renewables. And if we look at power production per source we see that hydro has a large portion in terms of world production. Canada gets the majority of it's energy from hydro as do many other countries. some countries get close to 100% of their energy from renewable resources. This is the reason why we argue. Because many people, including you most of the time, put forward false information.

And sometime questions take awhile to show up. sometimes they do not show if the link provided is to a particular source. Other times Yahoo is just quirky. Especially if you post many questions in a short time.

Climate Realist: I didn't say it was an adequate excuse. That does appear to be what has happened though.

Kano: You stated that renewables had failed in the country. That was clearly what I was arguing against. You are putting out false information yourself individually. While the headlines of the news articles you posted seems to be more along the lines of attention grabbing they do go into how that 50% output was more or less an anomaly and hopefully it could occur again. However, just because they put out false information does not mean that it is perfectly okay for you to as well. I am sure people do it on both sides. You, however, do it in excess and when it is explained to you you continue to do it. I do agree, though, that the headlines should be changed for those articles as they put falsehoods in peoples minds. What you are doing, though, is stating something similar to "It is okay for me to tell stories because other people do it too."

Because you're not very bright

Perhaps because you can't spell "can't."

You can, it shows you after you press submit.

my questions disappear into oblivion