> Is this the past?do our children know what this is?

Is this the past?do our children know what this is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1. This is from one year.

2. You cannot show any long term climate trends from less than 30 years.

3. This is of the CONUS for that one year. What was happening around the the rest of the 98.2% of the world during this same time frame? If you want to look at another large land area to do this with, what was happening in Australia concerning the climate in 2013? Pakistan? India? China? Africa? In other words, look at what is happening across the entire planet.

4. A 1C warming of the atmosphere allows for a 4% increase in its ability to hold water vapor.

5. Precipitation, including snow, is from water vapor in the atmosphere.

6. You cannot use the weather over one season, even for the entire planet, to make an observation of what the long term climate trend is.

Considering that about 3/4 of the land area on Earth is located above the Equator you're using an unfair comparison when you try to compare the land area of Brazil and Australia to that of Russia, Canada and the US and are also forgetting the fact that a good chunk of the Northern Hemisphere is covered with snow in a normal winter.

You guys (believers and deniers, I guess that is what you call each other), fighting over the weather changes and decade highest and lowest.

That is not climate science. Climate change taking many thousands of years or more. So these little "ice ages" and "global warming ages" going like waves of weather all the time. You have to look at the larger much longer trend to see the truth.

Newspaper: In their 8th matchup of the season, the Yankees shut out Red Sox

Jerry: The Sox are cursed. They're scoring runs is a thing of the past.

It is a bit worrying as the Northern hemisphere is where the ice ages start. a build up of snow changes the albedo, and makes it cooler and therefore more snow.

All it would need is a series of large volcanoes going off, and all this snow could stick around through the summer and start a cooling period.

Just maybe the feverish earth has found an icepack for itself. I'm sure Al Gore would love that explanation.

I thought no one would know what snow was by the year of 2012.

Well we now know what snow really is. It is the never ending 'snow job' by the evil people of the world.

"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said.


I agree with sagebrush "It is the never ending 'snow job' by the evil people of the world."

ask again during a deadly heat wave. Interesting that WUWT does not mention the hot weather in Alaska.

WUWT?another denialist kie

Aside from the fact that it is winter, and the US is only part of the world, WYWT is a worthless site to link to. At the same time, both Brazil and Australia have had intense heat and severe drought

is this what the climate 'scientist' said was a thing of the past. do children know what this is?
